Confused about recent weight loss

Last week I bumped up my calories from 1,210 to a little over 1,400 (going from one lb/week to .5 lb/week) Then, I spent the past weekend out of town where I didn't even attempt to track and ate very poorly, but we did spend quite a bit of time walking around the city. I got on the scale just now (I always use the same scale at the same time and day of the week) and I've lost 2.6 pounds from last week! How is this possible? I feel like, if anything, I should have GAINED 2.6 pounds. Anyone have any insight?


  • Jameslemond
    Jameslemond Posts: 60 Member
    maybe by increasing calories over the week kick started your metabolism a little bit!!!
    its def a good thing that you showed a loss.... sounds like motivation to start the week of right :-)
  • treetop57
    treetop57 Posts: 1,578 Member
    One word: Water weight.

    I mean, two words!