


  • utvolsfan74
    utvolsfan74 Posts: 45 Member
    I don't really have any advice to give, except that I'm on my last 15 pounds and I also hit a plateau for the past three weeks. I've been doing 1200 calories a day (or less) sometimes eating my exercise calories, sometimes not. I walk about 3 miles 4-5 times per week, and I'm also doing Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred (with kettlebell). Plateaus SUCK! Try not to give up!

    thank you very much!!!! I am not going to give up going to take everyones advice and eat better, more and change up my exercise!!!
  • utvolsfan74
    utvolsfan74 Posts: 45 Member
    hey all of us have been there. But let me tell you what I've tried recently that I think has worked for me. I know your time is probably hectic like everyones but I have started trying to split up my exercise. I try to do 30-45 minutes time I wake up, then I will do 30-45 later. I have also increased my calorie intake. I haven't changed anything with my numbers on mfp but I try to eat closer to 1500 calories and of coarse you know you really shouldn't eat less than 1200. You just have to keep trying different things. What works for me may not work for you!! But whatever you do DON'T GIVE UP!! You've come too far!!! Best of luck on your journey!!

    thank you I am going to try that, I will do my harder workouts before work and my lighter ones like pilates after work
  • utvolsfan74
    utvolsfan74 Posts: 45 Member
    MFP is so awesome, again Thank you everyone for the help and advise. I have tried Weight Watchers and there I didn't lose anything, was hungry all of the time with no encouraging words from anyone nor advice and was having to pay for it.....
  • norariz
    norariz Posts: 18 Member

    What I usually suggest to get out of a plateau, eat at maintenance for a week and don't exercise. That has broken almost every plateau I have seen (including mine). Also, you are at a stall, not a plateau. Plateaus are several months.

    Wait, WHAT?!?! Plateaus are several months? How do you tell the difference between a stall and a plateau - just the amount of time it lasts? Do you 'treat' both the same? I have been at the same weight for 6 weeks. I've never had this happen before - in my past weight loss attempts, I've always started gaining again - never stayed still. So I think I'm sort of doing the right thing - just not enough, I guess.

    BTW, thank you to everyone on the boards here - so full of advice, and helpful information!
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator

    What I usually suggest to get out of a plateau, eat at maintenance for a week and don't exercise. That has broken almost every plateau I have seen (including mine). Also, you are at a stall, not a plateau. Plateaus are several months.

    Wait, WHAT?!?! Plateaus are several months? How do you tell the difference between a stall and a plateau - just the amount of time it lasts? Do you 'treat' both the same? I have been at the same weight for 6 weeks. I've never had this happen before - in my past weight loss attempts, I've always started gaining again - never stayed still. So I think I'm sort of doing the right thing - just not enough, I guess.

    BTW, thank you to everyone on the boards here - so full of advice, and helpful information!

    Plateau's are longer periods of time but two weeks isn't a plateau. It can take several weeks to get past hormones alone. And it takes a month or two to understand how your body is going to work. This way you have a great sense of what you are doing wrong. And since weight loss isn't linear, two weeks is nothing.

    Send me a PM and we can look at your issue.

    is that a dvd workout or something on the internet?

    Yes, it's a workout DVD that incorporates ST, yoga and HIIT. It help me cut 10 lbs and 3% body fat @ 2600 calories. Now I do P90X2. I fell the Beachbody programs are better than JM 30DS and stuff like that. I hear JM vids are more cardio based.
  • norariz
    norariz Posts: 18 Member
    What is a PM?
  • cressievargo
    cressievargo Posts: 392 Member
    Seriously - eat more.

    And look into "zig-zagging calories."

    It works.
  • i am at a plateau as well..I have lost about 35lbs and am at the smallest I think I have been since the 7th grade, however I have 30 more to go before i hit my goal weight...I have been stuck for over a month and it is EXTREMELY frustrating because I lead an active life and feel great, but the scale does not show me this...You will break it, drink more water i suggest buying a camel back with the straw that you can bite down on, my friends joke that it is my "security bottle" because I am lost without it. I am a teacher too so my students always ask me why I collect so many water bottles haha. I also have started running which is a FULL body workout I feel great and a bit stress free. It is not the most fun, but it is also important to have a cheat day once in a while and be stress free...make sure you are not taking in a lot of salt becuase that retains water. GOOD LUCK!
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    What is a PM?

    Private message.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    i am at a plateau as well..I have lost about 35lbs and am at the smallest I think I have been since the 7th grade, however I have 30 more to go before i hit my goal weight...I have been stuck for over a month and it is EXTREMELY frustrating because I lead an active life and feel great, but the scale does not show me this...You will break it, drink more water i suggest buying a camel back with the straw that you can bite down on, my friends joke that it is my "security bottle" because I am lost without it. I am a teacher too so my students always ask me why I collect so many water bottles haha. I also have started running which is a FULL body workout I feel great and a bit stress free. It is not the most fun, but it is also important to have a cheat day once in a while and be stress free...make sure you are not taking in a lot of salt becuase that retains water. GOOD LUCK!
    Whats your deficit at and it doesnt look like you are eating your exercise calories back. I would eat 50-75% of them. Your body needs the fuel to burn fat. Also set yoir carbs lower and increase your protein. That should help.