Any PT's/Medical People out there? I pulled a muscle...

Not sure if you are familiary with New Rules of Lifting for Women but I just started so as of today I'm officially in Week 2 of Stage 1. And if you know how it works, Stage 1 consists of Workout A & Workout B. Well last week, when I did Workout B which consists of dead lifts and lunges, evidently I pulled a muscle which I felt later when I was sore but I thought it was because I was sore.

Today was my 2nd time doing Workout B and I could barely do lunges it hurt so bad. The pain shoots up the top of back of my right leg thru my rear end and into lower back. So when I was doing lunges and I stepped forward with my right leg, the pain increases as I was lowering my left knee to the floor - so much that I couldn't complete the set. Last week I was holding 2.5 lb weights in my hands. Today I held nothing because of the pain.

Or maybe I overdid it doing dead lifts? Last week I held 10 lb weights in each hand doing those. Today when I did dead lifts I didn't feel any pain.

So what have I done? Right now it still hurts when I walk. Should I rest for a while? Right now I do NROL4W every other day (M/W/F) and take wknds off other than walking. Should I go to doctor?