A little help please :)

Ad_874 Posts: 19 Member
Planning on running the Disney Princess 1/2 marathon next February. Need help getting back into running. Any ideas on how to prepare for something like this? Thanks :)


  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    How long has it been since you stopped running?

    If your fitness is really poor right now you could start with a walk/run program (walk 10min run 1) and work it until you've reversed the proportions (run 10 min walk1) and then build on that.

    If you're still fairly fit I'd still suggest starting slow and building conservatively.

    The good news is you've got lots of time to train, count on running at least 3 times per week. One of your runs should be a long slow distance that gradually builds towards the full distance. Another of the runs, if your concerned with time, should be a tempo run otherwise just focus on re-building your base. As a rule of thumb your total volume shouldn't increase by more than 10% week over week and cross train on non-running days with at least one recovery day per week.

    There are some great (free) training plans at runnersworld.com