weight watchers

anyone tried the weight watchers program?


  • katherine30
    anyone tried the weight watchers program?
  • zenmama
    zenmama Posts: 1,000
    Yes and I liked it. After my second son I lost about 40lbs. I just can't afford it. It is more of a life style than a diet IMO>

  • katherine30
    I really want to try the at home kit. My thing is I want to eat whatever I want and count the points and work out hard than eat salads all the time. They wanted 129.00 for the kit.
  • njadams
    As Zen said...it is a lifestyle change. I think if you try this points/calories (same thing really) It is just getting use to everything
  • catlover
    catlover Posts: 389
    I tried weight watchers when I was 25, about 25 years ago. My friend had two intestinal bypass surgeries and had regained all the weight she lost and was back to 350 or more so I joined as a support for her. I weight 126 and lost 20 pounds in 6 weeks. They awarded me my "pin" and I was eligible to be a lifetime member and would never have to pay the dues again as long as I maintained within like 5 pounds of goal (or some other rule like that). The coordinator called me later and said she had made an error and I actually needed to be a member for 8 weeks to have that benefit. I said, "No problem" and the next day I was seriously injured in a car wreck and was hospitalized for 89 days, losing another 20 pounds in 6 weeks. I went back to the meeting and tried to get them to agree to let me pay for the two weeks because of the circumstances but they said I had to pay for every meeting I missed in order to regain my status. Looking back, I wish I would have paid the $21.00 because now it's $15.00 a week or something like that. Politics aside, I think it's a good program and have a coworker who just lost 80 pounds and looks terrific. I'd like to join again, but not until I'm within that 20 pounds again because the cost of the monthly meetings can be high, compared to what you get out of it. And they are sticklers for detail. I joined a few years ago and paid the joining fee and two weeks of meetings. Then someone broke into my car and stole my Bible and my weight watchers handbooks and a bag of jelly beans. Anyway, Weight Watchers had no sympathy for my plight, even with a police report and a single mother working three jobs, and I had to pay the fees again to get the books. Needless to say, I dropped out because I simply couldn't afford it at that time.
  • skinnydreams
    skinnydreams Posts: 1,178 Member
    I think it's a great program, weekly meetings and weigh ins, so you have someone to in a way be held accountable to. Only draw back I found was the cost, when you have a lot to lose you pay for a long time, but you do get to go for free after you've reached a healthy weight and have stuck to it for 8 weeks. Hope that helps, I find this site and the support of people on here to be just as useful...and nicer to my wallet!
  • DaniUSA
    I lost 77lbs with WW.

    In Germany,

    there you can buy a CD without monthly cost. So I NEVER attend group meetings, its not the kind of thing i wanted to.

    I need 9month to lose my weight

    here are some before after pics (site is in german)

    now, the cd doesnt work with vista and its just the german version (no american food in there)

    So I am here now.

    Want to loose (after gaining 10lbs) 20lbs in total.

  • breakingthepath
    A friend passed me some of the materials she got, how to figure out points and whatnot. It lost me about ten pounds that were all gained back in short order. I suspect it was also a starvation diet or nearly so, though I no longer have the food diary to sift through. Horrible diet.
  • moidyn
    moidyn Posts: 112
    My mom is on Weight Watchers and she is doing awesome! She has already lost 60 lbs and is about 40 lbs from her goal.
    I tried WW, but I'm not organized enough. This site works better for me because I have constant access to it. But this and WW are about the same, its all about making yourself accountable for the things you put in your mouth.
  • DaniUSA
    I also think its nearly the same as here, or here nearly the same way than with WW

    On WW you count points
    here its cal.

    and overall, its all like life should work...dont eat too much and to unheatlhy and exercise regulary

  • cbarger
    I lost 15 lbs on WW 2 years ago. It really is a great program. I did the online version (going to meetings wasnt my thing) but the cost really started to add up tied in with monthly gym fees and all that. But, if you are at all curious, there are a TON of sites out there that give you all the info you need including points calculators. I have some of the sites saved on my computer at home (I am at work right now) and if you are interested I can post t hem or send them to you. I've checked the sites against the "real info" and they are accurate.
  • trishara
    I did WW. Loved it, but it just got to be too expensive. I keep what I learned in my head though. I do buy some WW stuff. Especially for my chocolate fix, their chocolate bar with a little icing goes a long way for that craving.

    I lost 30 lbs when I did it.