Newbie Here. 21 and looking to drop about a hundred pounds.

I'm 5'1" at most and weigh 232. I'm looking to drop down to around 130 due to health concerns. Not to mention it'd be nice to be able to by the really cute dresses made for tiny people and a bikini for the beach next summer.

Anyone else out there still in college and trying to drop a lot of weight on a student budget?
I could really use some tips and a buddy to talk to about all of this.


  • Princess_Sameen
    Princess_Sameen Posts: 290 Member
    hey not not in college but i am on a budget :)
  • renstwin
    renstwin Posts: 66 Member
    I sent you a request! :)
  • MikaMica888
    It's nice to meet you! I am a university student as well! It's really hard to shop for healthy foods on a budget but if you know where to look it gets a lot easier! :)
  • arkansascountrygirl
    arkansascountrygirl Posts: 234 Member
    request sent
  • Cesta91
    Cesta91 Posts: 11
    Thanks you guys!
    Requests have been accepted. It's so great to find somewhere that offers a support group.
  • arkansascountrygirl
    arkansascountrygirl Posts: 234 Member
    yes it sure is. the more support the stronger the system we have the more we will succeed
  • bjs06
    bjs06 Posts: 316 Member
    hey ! im 20 and im trying to lose just over 100lbs as well. iv lost 40 so far, its definitely not easy but we can do it. add me :)
  • foxytrotter82
    foxytrotter82 Posts: 65 Member
    I'm going back to school and need to drop about 60lbs. on a budget and living the student life of assignements and exams.... stress. :) I'll add you.
  • mes1119
    mes1119 Posts: 1,082 Member
    While I only have about 15 more pounds to lose, I can understand how hard it is when you're a student and on a budget. For the record: My grocery bills have DROPPED since I started my journey. Processed foods, fast food and eating out is far more expensive than healthy natural foods!
  • kperk91
    kperk91 Posts: 226 Member
    I just sent you a request :)
  • hmgarcia83
    hmgarcia83 Posts: 45 Member
    While I only have about 15 more pounds to lose, I can understand how hard it is when you're a student and on a budget. For the record: My grocery bills have DROPPED since I started my journey. Processed foods, fast food and eating out is far more expensive than healthy natural foods!

    if you live on campus and eat at the caff pick the healthy choices if you have a kitchen cook and try to eat the natural stuff someone said on here one if God made it it's good if people made it use caution. i will admit i have a sweet tooth and love the fun size candies gives a=me a little sweet but in portion control sizes
  • lizz3lizz
    lizz3lizz Posts: 14
    Added you ;)
  • itgeekwoman
    itgeekwoman Posts: 804 Member
    Good luck! I can say you picked the right time to start living a healthy lifestyle. It's way easier (not to diminish the effort it will be for you) to do this at 21 than 41 just soley based on metabolic rates. You have a great chance of losing and losing quickly.

    You can eat well and on a budget if you avoid all processed foods. It takes a few extra visits to the grocery store to keep fresh food, but it can be done.
    Have a great time doing it too. Part of this whole thing is the journey and understanding yourself. Push yourself and find your limits.. then push them too.

    add me if you want a 42 year old lady on your friend list. (I am working this with my daughter who is 21 now also and she's losing quickly).
  • mdsjmom98
    mdsjmom98 Posts: 333 Member
    Sounds crazy, but they have these frozen meals at wal-mart called budget gourmet. They cost about $1 each, so you could stock up on those for your lunches. For the most part, I eat a piece of fruit in the morning, a budget gourmet for lunch, and then a "regular" dinner. I can pretty much eat what my family eats, just smaller portions.
  • ktaylor1188
    ktaylor1188 Posts: 141 Member
    i feel ya. im starting small myself i just want to see a 1 at the beginning of the 3 numbers i see on the 199 is my goal for now. then i will go from there. i wish you the best of just starting this today so ill see how it goes and would love to find some helpers along the way also!
  • Cesta91
    Cesta91 Posts: 11
    Ya'll are amazing.
    I wasn't expecting this much response when I posted, but I can't say how much I appreciate it.

    I'll be able to eat more on campus next semester. Right now my lunches are kind of strange on Tuesday/Thursdays because of my class schedule (9:30-4:45 with no break) so I take some sort of sandwich or snackish thing with me and have dinner when I get home.

    I'll have to look into those Budget Gourmet lunches for days I'm home for lunch. Those sound like they could seriously come in handy.

    I'm trying to enjoy my weight loss journey. I have a part time job as an assistant DJ with a local karaoke/dj company and get to dance my butt off for pay once a week. Haha. I like to think of it as my fun workout for the week. :)

    I'm working on cutting out processed foods and fast foods. I know at times it will be unavoidable due to my lifestyle, but I'm going to do the best I can.
  • brittanylock09
    brittanylock09 Posts: 197 Member
    ahhhh i started at 232. and im 5'2" so almost the exact same!!!
  • Kluvztt18
    Kluvztt18 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm not in college anymore but I am looking to lose 110lbs. I'm 31 and 10 years ago I was 135lbs, now I'm 250! Not sure what happened but I'm ready to change! I totally understand your struggle and your concerns about your health. I definitely have my own!

    Add me if you like!
  • sherriaf
    sherriaf Posts: 8 Member
    Hi Hun,

    I'm 21, 5 feet, I need to lose 80! We're in a similar boat. I'm on a budget too. I've been at this 3 weeks with no complaints. Stick with it & you will see results! I'm sending you a friend request. Best of luck to you

    - Sherriaf
  • ladee86
    ladee86 Posts: 3
    Hey everyone! I'm looking to lose 100lbs. Any tips? I have just started my weight loss journey.