Calories (vs) Macros: Whats more important?

skywa Posts: 901 Member
What do you think is more important? Hitting all your macros or hitting your calorie goal?

I usually focus on my macros over my calories. I figure if I'm getting enough protein/carbs/fat, then it doesn't really matter how many calories i've eaten.

What do you aim for when it comes to your intake?


  • plushkitten
    plushkitten Posts: 547 Member
    For me a high protein intake matters. I always shoot to go in the red numbers.
    I'm watching my iron now too but it's hard to get it up.

    edit: meh actually I don't really care about carbs because I never have gone over my daily limit. >.<
  • pandasand
    pandasand Posts: 133 Member
    I aim for macros because I'm not really worried about weight gain/loss.
  • runnercheryl
    runnercheryl Posts: 1,314 Member
    I just focus on my calories. I'm not in this to be strict, and my body will let me know if I'm ever really deficient in anything.
  • BreakingOath
    BreakingOath Posts: 193 Member
    Macros are important to me. As long as you get in those nutrients you're all good!
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    I try to be within about 100 of my calorie goal (sometimes it's a little higher, sometimes a little lower) and I try to have at least 100g protein. I don't stress too much over fat or carbs. I do *try* to be close to my calorie goal since MFP set it where it is for a reason (I'm set for 1/2 lb per week).
  • Fubar_Bill
    Fubar_Bill Posts: 120 Member
    Isn't that a little like saying, "Oil vs Gas, what's more important for my car?"

    Keep an eye on both and you will do great!
  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,522 Member
    calories, by far
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    my protein macro is the most important to me first, than calories.
  • Zichu
    Zichu Posts: 542 Member
    I aim for a high protein diet. So macros. I try to get more protein and fat than carbs throughout the day, even though I do enjoy carbs lol.
  • butterfly10398
    Isn't that a little like saying, "Oil vs Gas, what's more important for my car?"

    Keep an eye on both and you will do great!

  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,124 Member
    If you only care about weight loss, calories.

    If you want it to be sustainable, and you want to feel good and be healthy, macros (and micros, for that matter.)
  • nilesbollinger
    nilesbollinger Posts: 86 Member
    Isn't that a little like saying, "Oil vs Gas, what's more important for my car?"

    Keep an eye on both and you will do great!

  • LuckyAng
    LuckyAng Posts: 1,173 Member
    Isn't that a little like saying, "Oil vs Gas, what's more important for my car?"

    Keep an eye on both and you will do great!

  • tinamina78
    tinamina78 Posts: 241 Member
    Isn't that a little like saying, "Oil vs Gas, what's more important for my car?"

    Keep an eye on both and you will do great!

    ^^ this
  • Canadien
    Canadien Posts: 122 Member
    my protein macro is the most important to me first, than calories.

    Me too :)
  • k8lyn_235
    k8lyn_235 Posts: 507 Member
    i try to pay attention to the macros and be under/near my calories. it has been very difficult for me to balance foods and be under carbs/fat but at or over protein. i look more at protein really, but i'm almost always under :/ i don't really like meat that much so it's difficult for me.
  • MinnesotaManimal
    MinnesotaManimal Posts: 642 Member
    to over generalize this issue

    Overall calorie intake = weight gain or loss

    Macro nutrient split = body composition

    micro nutrient = Health
  • mangozulu
    mangozulu Posts: 90 Member
    Isn't that a little like saying, "Oil vs Gas, what's more important for my car?"

    Keep an eye on both and you will do great!

  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    It depends on what your goals are.

    But I also agree with "Both are important"
  • mangozulu
    mangozulu Posts: 90 Member
    Isn't that a little like saying, "Oil vs Gas, what's more important for my car?"

    Keep an eye on both and you will do great!


    Except you'll run out of gas (calories) much sooner than you'll need to top up the oil (macros)

    For weight loss calories are most important. Accuracy in tracking them is also important. Macros are secondary and useful for appetite control and reducing the loss of lean body mass that can happen on a low protein, weight loss diet.