Running & Insanity



  • Skeels
    Skeels Posts: 929 Member
    I do not even think about running after I complete an Insanity workout...........................
  • FreedomReigns
    FreedomReigns Posts: 195 Member
    If you wanna run to run then I would do a light one on the off day. If you want to run to keep your endurance then you really dont have to. Insanity will kick your endurance it the butt and keep it up. I completed the program and did my first run this sunday and was able to run way more than from before I did insanity.

    I agree with this! I am only in the beginning of month two and decided to hold off on running until i am done.
  • outlaw5353
    outlaw5353 Posts: 50
    after i do insanity i push pause on the cool down stretch grab my head phones and run about 3 to 4 miles then come back and finish the cool down stretch its hard but just dont give up its my routine everyday 23121781.png
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  • outlaw5353
    outlaw5353 Posts: 50
    my ched is am go to gym do like 15 min on bike to warm up then after work i eat dinner wait about an hour do insnaity then go on a run then stretch i do this everyday but i also cheat and skip the off days of insanity
  • amoeni1
    amoeni1 Posts: 87 Member
    I also do insanity in the morning and then do my jogs in the afternoon. I usually only do a 2-3 mile run a few times a week, definitely not everyday or log runs while doing insanity though, its crazy intense some days. I also mix in yoga and strength training at night other days.
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    If you wanna run to run then I would do a light one on the off day. If you want to run to keep your endurance then you really dont have to. Insanity will kick your endurance it the butt and keep it up. I completed the program and did my first run this sunday and was able to run way more than from before I did insanity.

    I agree with this! I am only in the beginning of month two and decided to hold off on running until i am done.

    me too. im sticking to insanity for now and then will add in runs during recovery week. I havent got enough time in the day to do both!
  • hevhoyda
    hevhoyda Posts: 146 Member
    Ive actually been running and lifting on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays then doing Insanity on Tuesday's and Thursday's so far it seems like a good routine to train for both my half marathon and tough mudder.
  • Roadie2000
    Roadie2000 Posts: 1,801 Member
    All depends on what your goals are. If you want to be a marathon runner you should supplement your running with some cross training, ie Insanity workouts. If you are going for more of an all around fitness level, not just endurance, then you should supplement your Insanity workouts with the occasional run. If you just want to look better you should be doing a lot less cardio and a lot more weight lifting. In my opinion.
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    Right now I'm training for a half marathon in August. I run 4 times a week and do Insanity twice with one rest day:

    Long slow run ~18km
    Tempo run ~8-10km
    mid-distance easy run ~12km
    Short easy run ~5-8km

    After my half in August I want to go more into weight training. Insanity is good for maintaining lean muscle I think and for good cardio burns to burn the fat off... but once racing season is over, I think I'll keep 2-3 runs/week and do 3 weight workouts - whether it's P90X-style, HIIT classes or actual lifting (haven't decided).

    I'll probably keep one mid-distance run ~10-12km and a shorter 7-8km run each week to keep my legs.
  • blhenn
    blhenn Posts: 10
    I am also a distance runner and Insanity fanatic. I do 3 runs a week (on lighter Insanity days). I usually do my run in the morning and Insanity before bed or during my sons nap time if I have recovered enough by late afternoon. And Insanity will for sure help your speed.
  • amandagardner1
    I'm also a distance runner, and I do insanity in the morning and run at night. My weekly mileage is at about 22 but I am working on getting up to around 40-45, considering I run 7 days a week. Has anyone successfully ran this much along with insanity? I also aqua jog a few days a week. Holy cardio!