Jillian Michaels Making The Cut Starting 04/09 - anyone else

So I have just brought Making The Cut by Jillian Michaels. I have 15 lbs to lose and boy are they stubborn (and I have kidded myself for the last 6 months that I have really been trying in the gym and with my diet when in fact I have not at all!)

My jeans are too tight and I split a pair last week on the subway - talk about humiliating. Reached the bottom of this place I think and hoping that I am capable (as Jillian tells you in her book!) that I can turn this around and get to the place I want to be, and have strived to for so long.

I am willing to commit to this 100% for the 30 days and wondered if anyone else was starting or had started and wanted to share their experiences with me. My problem is I moved to a new city recently and do not have any one to answer to (no friends to see as yet to tell me I have gained the weight to split the jeans and so I am accountable to no-one and I am able to kid myself it seems). Though the plus side here is that I can be who I want to be without people telling me to enjoy life, drink that drink, eat the frozen yoghurt!

Anyway, if there is anyone out there who would like to join me and we can act as encouragement to one another then I'd love to hear from you.

Thanks for reading all the same.