Do people take days off?



  • groomchick
    groomchick Posts: 610 Member
    I take an ocassional day off ...maybe 1 x a moth but I'm at goal... before then I did not. Even now my cheat days are closely watched!
  • RedHotRunner
    RedHotRunner Posts: 850 Member
    I'm headed off on vacation so will be taking the whole week off. But with that said, i'll be packing my running shoes and the fish monger is right down the street from the beach house, so don't expect to gain any weight.
  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    I'll probably be a little lax on Thanksgiving and Christmas, but by the time those holidays come by I should be far enough in my weight loss that I wouldn't feel as bad as if I, say, did it right now. The only things I ever go crazy on at holidays are rolls (I love the ones my Aunt bakes) and either fruit salad or something we call "green stuff" which is just pistachio pudding, cool whip, pineapple chunks and marshmallows.

    Other than that, I can't see me taking a day off since I just don't ever really want to.
  • Colbyandsage
    Colbyandsage Posts: 751 Member
    For chocolate bunnies, I will :)

    it's about moderation for me, I like to call them spike days not cheat days. I will workout on Easter to buy more more of a buffer, I tend to not eat as crappy if I workout anyway.
  • megsybk
    megsybk Posts: 27 Member
    My boyfriend and I are planning on taking days off here and there. We both love Mexican and Italian, and cheese fries with ranch dressing so we need day off like once or twice a month so that we aren't completely depriving ourselves.... although I suppose the mexican and italian and cheese fries with ranch are all what brought me here in the first place, so maybe we shouldn't have "cheat" days!
  • I took almost 43 years day off and now I am on MFP!!!! no cheat days for me!!

    I think that is so funny!

    I am going to try to be super careful that day. I joined the Loose 10 pounds for the month of April challenge and I 'd really like to do it. I'm one of those people who can put on a pound or two in a day and then it takes me a week to get them off. I've been at this weight loss journey for over 1 1/2 years now. I'd have been at my goal long ago if I didn't have so many days in which I go up on the scale. But, I'm also ok with that because I know that I can get right back on it and continue to loose.
  • lewdug
    lewdug Posts: 17
    I certainly do, but I'm reminded immediately of why I stay on my diet otherwise because my digestive system kinda rebels.