Ice Cream?

amysol Posts: 83 Member
I am feeling a little guilty, so I need someone to tell me not to. ( I mean I know I should not but I just need to hear it)

A couple nights a week I NEED more sweet yummyness. Chocolate pudding doesn't cut it all the time. So I have a low fat/cal ice cream treat like weight watchers or something.

130 cal
5 fat
24 carbs
3 protein

I mean I know this is ok, not every day but it's ok, so WHY DO I FEEL SO GUILTY????

(PS this falls well into my numbers for the day with room to spare)


  • pannellkat
    pannellkat Posts: 709 Member
    I used to feel guilty but not anymore.
    Sounds reasonable to me. Plus if you deny yourself of these cravings, you will most likely binge and then you will feel really guilty! As long as it is done in moderation I say go for it. TREAT YOURSELF!
  • Treadly
    Treadly Posts: 17
    I used to feel guilty but not anymore.
    Sounds reasonable to me. Plus if you deny yourself of these cravings, you will most likely binge and then you will feel really guilty! As long as it is done in moderation I say go for it. TREAT YOURSELF!

    Right on!!!
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Oh Amy, do not feel guilty. This way of life is just that a way of life NOT a diet. Do you intend to never ever eat ice cream again? No way ! You are doing the absalute right thing in finding a healthier version of something you love. If you are staying within your calories I say enjoy. :smile: Guilt is our enemy! It will break you down and mess you up. Cindy :heart:
  • lisamgould
    lisamgould Posts: 68
    Options is soooooo okay!!!!!
    Especially since it is weight watchers.. but even if it were the real thing it is still okay. The point is to eat a balanced diet..if you know you are going to splurge a little just make up for it elsewere. There is no need to beat yourself up and I think you know that. Sometimes we just need to hear it from someone else who is reaching for the same goals.
    I had a "Girls Night" dinner last night and I ate 5 count them 5!! chocolate covered strawberries and i savored every bite guilt-free!!!
  • mommyto2cuties
    mommyto2cuties Posts: 82 Member
    Sounds very reasonable. I have low fat ice cream almost every day. I love it! My issue is the portion control... I usually end up having almost twice the serving size, but I just leave room for it.
  • kgehling
    kgehling Posts: 20 Member
    I am feeling a little guilty, so I need someone to tell me not to. ( I mean I know I should not but I just need to hear it)

    A couple nights a week I NEED more sweet yummyness. Chocolate pudding doesn't cut it all the time. So I have a low fat/cal ice cream treat like weight watchers or something.

    130 cal
    5 fat
    24 carbs
    3 protein

    I mean I know this is ok, not every day but it's ok, so WHY DO I FEEL SO GUILTY????

    (PS this falls well into my numbers for the day with room to spare)

    Remember this....there is no measurable difference between 90% adherence to a diet and 100% adherence. Meaning, allowing yourself a few small "cheat meals" each week will not hurt your progress at all. And, in the long-run it may actually be more beneficial because you are more likely to stay on course if the program allows you to eat like a regular person a few times a month.
  • BrenNew
    BrenNew Posts: 3,420 Member
    Amy, you shouldn't feel guilty at all!
    I have had ice-cream almost every night, and STILL managed to get to my goal! :happy:
    You just need to watch your numbers and leave enough for an ice-cream treat!
    I usually save enough numbers to have a double helping of Edy's slow churned, no sugar added cookie dough, or fudge tracks ice-cream. YUM! :love:
  • jennarandhayes
    jennarandhayes Posts: 456 Member
    Don't feel guilty! I allow myself one treat per day (within my alloted calorie range). Sometimes it's ice cream, sometimes it's 10 M&Ms, sometimes it's peanut butter, sometimes it's cheese, but it's always something that I love. If you deprive yourself too much, you will fall back in to old patters. Enjoy your Skinny Cows!
  • GIBride01
    GIBride01 Posts: 328 Member
    I had something sweet most nights while losing my weight. Just finished a bowl of homemade vanilla ice cream as a matter of fact:love: If you deny yourself the things you love, and can reasonably fit it, you are setting yourself up to binge IMO. I always factored in a few extra calories to be left over at the end of the day, for ice cream, popcorn, some hot chocolate..and managed to drop a pound and a half a week for 4 months. If I had to exercise a bit harder to fit that treat in, I did. No plans to cut the ice cream out now either!
  • 1Sweets
    1Sweets Posts: 395
    Calories are calories. McDonalds has a soft Yogurt Cone for only 150c :tongue: Not to shabby. Now don't feel guilty. It's good every once in a while. Enjoy:drinker: :drinker:
  • amysol
    amysol Posts: 83 Member
    Sweet! PUN intended!

    Thanks guys!
  • ronkswife2000
    ronkswife2000 Posts: 176
    I used to feel guilty but not anymore.
    Sounds reasonable to me. Plus if you deny yourself of these cravings, you will most likely binge and then you will feel really guilty! As long as it is done in moderation I say go for it. TREAT YOURSELF!

    Couldn't have put it better myself!!!! I've denied myself things and it only led me to binge eating and falling off the wagon... There are some healthy ice creams out there... weight watcher ice cream bars are really yummy plus they have good tasting yogurt now days too! Good luck you can do it and remember it's fine to have these things every once in a while! :heart:
  • cnj001
    cnj001 Posts: 15
    I like the haagen das fat free sorbet. Mango is fantastic. Its made from fruit puree and honey so its all natural so you feel good about your little indulgence. :)
  • missheidi
    missheidi Posts: 465 Member
    walmart has these adorable little ice cream cups, they are only 100 calories and portion control is taken care of b/c you can just eat one cup. they are awesome!
  • chgudnitz
    chgudnitz Posts: 4,079
    I eat dessert every single night!!! I love dessert (pie, ice cream, whatever...) and can't live without it. I'm changing my whole look at food, but I love what I love and that's it.

  • porka29
    porka29 Posts: 868 Member
    Skinny Cow and me.............................:laugh: