New to the boards, have been using the app for a while

amybg1 Posts: 631 Member
Hey guys,
I'm new to the boards and the online site in general but I've been using the iTouch app for a while. I'm 22 years old, visually impaired and a para-athlete. I am a runner, have run 3 5K races, training for my first 10K and hoping to run my 4th 5K on June 9th. I'm a sprint paddler (kayaking) in a program for those with intellectual and physical disabilities, I'm a silver medalist in the 200m for physically disabled athletes, Women's category...We're trying to get visual impairment accepted into the National team, right now only paraplegics comprise the team. I'm also a Provincial Champion in Blind Curling as of two days ago and will compete with my rink (team) next White Cane Week in the Blind/VI National Championships.

I train regularly, approximately every second day but have about 20 pounds to lose as my ultimate goal, 'd like to get to 30 or so ...My mini-goal right now is to lose 5 pounds before spring training starts up in mid-May, I can easily lose 10-15 pounds in 2 months during the training season, off-season training is less intensive and there's also the holidays so no matter how much you watch your portions you always seem to add on a few pounds you know?

That's my short story - glad I finally took the plunge and got my butt on the site instead of just using the app alone!


  • kshandrow
    My Name is Karen & I live in the Southwest. I recently discovered this IPhone Ap /Web site. It is wonderful. I am blind & found it on applevis. It was listed as one of the most accessible phone aps.
    I have been searching for an application/tools like this for ages now. I have been wanting to track my progress,read labels & understand nutrician facts. This is the best!:)
    The main reason I am writing this list is not only to get support but also to see if there are any women in there 40's whom just happen to be blind.
    If you are out there,please reply. I have tried numerous diets & exercise plans & have not been successful.
    I think I can do it this time with my fitness pal,thank you Mike & others.:)
    Those of us whom are blind have a few unique issues. Its more challenging to access information as well as to exercise. What works for those of you who do have vision loss?.
    I went to the existing groups, & I was unable to find a group that had women in their 40's & whom are blind. does it exist?.
    If not,I began one. Its titled ,40,Fabulous & blind,something like that :) lol.
    we need to get more people whom are disabled up,out & about ,moving & exercising & staying healthy.:)
    I would appreciate any assistance from any of you,not just peeps who have lost sight.
    I need the support & so do you,so we aare all here to help one another.
    I would love to hear from some of you. These message boards are a little difficult to navigate & somewhat overwhelming. Yet, its manageable. :)
    Take care & have a good night.:) Karen In AZ :)