anyone on the gluten-free diet?



  • Vench
    Vench Posts: 56 Member
    I can't comprehend why someone who's not diagnosed as celiac would WANT to go on a gluten-free seems a bit appropriating and condescending to people who struggle with it. But that's just me.
  • angng
    angng Posts: 137 Member
    I've been on a strict gluten-free diet for the last 2 years since being diagnosed with Celiac Disease. I was losing a lot of weight due to it and am just recently having to watch my weight again, as I'm finally healing. Celiac Disease, however, is a life long thing and you have to be on the gluten-free diet the rest of your life. There are unique challenges of being on this diet. Contrary to what the media says, this is not a "fad" diet to lose weight, get smarter, stronger, etc. Some people choose to be on this diet. I wouldn't be on this diet if I didn't have to be. It's very very hard. Are there any other people on here with Celiac Disease or gluten intolerance?

    Also, I LOL at the fad diet thing. . .I've also gained a ton of weight since going gf. Not having diarrhea all day every day/finally being able to absorb fat and nutrients tends to do that.
  • chammich
    chammich Posts: 104 Member
    I'm doing Paleo..totally gluten free. Even my meat has been grass fed when alive.
  • angng
    angng Posts: 137 Member
    I can't comprehend why someone who's not diagnosed as celiac would WANT to go on a gluten-free seems a bit appropriating and condescending to people who struggle with it. But that's just me.

    I'm all for it if it means more access to gluten-free meals in stores/restaurants.
  • vjrose
    vjrose Posts: 809 Member
    Gluten free for 12 years now. Not even hard anymore, lol, was when I started though, there was no real availability of things like tons of gluten free products or restaurants with Gluten free menus. Good luck, it gets better.
  • DominiqueSmall
    DominiqueSmall Posts: 495 Member
    I am a celiac as well. I also cant do grain, corn and peas. However, since starting to eat a raw diet and doing Amazing Grass products I don't seem to struggle with it too much expect when I eat out and get poisoned. The hardest part is away from home for me. I do get severe issues when I eat it so I know right away when I do.
  • jenbridges
    jenbridges Posts: 213 Member
    I was diagnosed with Celiacs right before christmas. I really don't understand people who have celiacs and "cheat" on their gf diet, knowing the harm they are doing to their bodies! I have no temptation to cheat, because I don't want a reaction OR the long-term damage you do, even if you are symptomless. I make all my own gf bread using only corn starch and potato starch. I know what restaurants I can eat at and which ones claim to be gf friendly but are not. I have satisfied *most* of my cravings, and am looking for recipes for the rest. It is difficult and I wish everyday that it wasn't an issue, but I do it because for me there is NO alternative. I am in control of my health!
  • taramaureen
    taramaureen Posts: 569 Member
    I was diagnosed with Celiacs right before christmas. I really don't understand people who have celiacs and "cheat" on their gf diet, knowing the harm they are doing to their bodies! I have no temptation to cheat, because I don't want a reaction OR the long-term damage you do, even if you are symptomless. I make all my own gf bread using only corn starch and potato starch. I know what restaurants I can eat at and which ones claim to be gf friendly but are not. I have satisfied *most* of my cravings, and am looking for recipes for the rest. It is difficult and I wish everyday that it wasn't an issue, but I do it because for me there is NO alternative. I am in control of my health!

    Well bully for you LOL

    I totally get cheating. I was a pizza addict before and there IS NOT a pizza place around my home that does GF. Up until a few months ago it was hard to find GF pasta in the store and it tasted just sooooooo bad (until I found the ancient grains quinoa pasta OMG YUM!) I've tried GF pizza recipies at home but they're just not the same :( I think any diet where you're restricting foods you normally would have every day is hard. Especially when you're picky like me.
  • ChasingSweatandTears
    ChasingSweatandTears Posts: 504 Member
    I can't comprehend why someone who's not diagnosed as celiac would WANT to go on a gluten-free seems a bit appropriating and condescending to people who struggle with it. But that's just me.

    You don't have to be diagnosed to know it causes problems for you. When I finally figured out that was the root of my problem, I did a lot of research and when I found out there is no cure, but only avoidance of gluten as treatment I decided to forgo testing just to get a diagnosis. So far so good. I'ts not a diet for me, it's a treatment.
  • littlebluej
    littlebluej Posts: 102 Member
    I've been tested and retested for Celiac, both came back negative. Also negative for a wheat allergy. But when I eat wheat (or any kind of grain, honestly) I just feel so sluggish, bloated, and I have stomach pain. So I follow a totally grain-free diet, no matter what the blood tests say.
  • marekdds
    marekdds Posts: 2,211 Member
    Gluten-free for me. When I was told, it was like, just tell me to stop eating. My hobby is baking. I love pasta. To me, the substitutes are expensive and nasty. Tried making lots of stuff myself, but some of it can't be duplicated gluten-free. I don't cheat b/c I really pay for it, but I certainly understand the temptation. Would love a big hunk of french bread. Family has been very supportive, my poor husband has put up with a lot of trial & error stuff, even had flourless chocolate cake for his birthday. Good luck to everyone, it sure isn't fun.