Afraid to share



  • d0gma
    d0gma Posts: 3,966 Member
    You don't know how to cook?
    Don't stress about that. My diary is full of Taco Bell, Burger King, and frozen dinners. The big thing right now is getting your portions under control. Once you've got that down and you see the weight start dropping, then maybe you'll feel confident enough to start trying to cook. The important thing is to get started and keep going. Also, you can block everyone from being able to see your diary, but you need to be held accountable for it to work, even if it is only by yourself, so that you can see where you're going right with your meals and what needs to change.
  • BamaGirl_Tricia
    BamaGirl_Tricia Posts: 70 Member
    OP - after reading your post I just want to give you a big hug. :flowerforyou:

    Me too!! :flowerforyou:

    Me too! Hugs!!
  • Keladry
    Keladry Posts: 58 Member
    I am not a very good cook. But with practice I am getting better. I can do curries and stirfries because basically you chuck all the ingredients in the pan and stir (or leave with the lid on for curries) until cooked. You can freeze leftovers or just use smaller amounts of ingredients.

    Don't be afraid to try, people here will support you. You might like to try a cooking class as well to get you started.
  • k7n2w3
    k7n2w3 Posts: 241 Member
    I will give you some hope in that I don't share my diary but partially because of the same reason. Sadly I am a horrible, terrible cook and I hardly want to try my own dinners lol We eat take-out or out at a restaurant daily (chick-fil-a, Arby's, etc.). However by making good choices like plain grilled chicken sandwiches and fruit cups. I also love chef boyardee hehe. I monitor the nutrition and sodium to allow for these choices. I find that there are a lot of books like "cooking for beginners" and "dieting for dummies" and that will give great recipes and choices for each day. I have both of those and they are great... i just stink at cooking! I did insanity and the cookbook for that was very sensible and lists meals by the calories.
    Good Luck!! You can do it!
    SW 155.1
    GW and CW 112.0
  • nixirain
    nixirain Posts: 448 Member
    Add me!! I love to cook, but a lot of times it is simple twist you can put on things that make healthy food so yummy!!

    I have some great simple recipes, I am going to try ans start posting them so you can have them any time. I love to help people too, so feel free to ask any questions you need!! The simplest question, doesn't matter!

    To start off if you don's know how to cook meats, get a gorge foremen grill!!

    A kitchen scale is your best friend for portion control. It doesn't have to be fancy, I have the biggest loser brand only because it measures up to 6.6 lbs!!

    Nuke your veggies. If I am in a rush I put a couple of tablespoons of water over the veggies and cover in plastic wrap. I nuke for 3-4 minutes for 2 servings and they are perfectly steamed!!

    Try a cooking class, they are so much fun!!

    Try one thing at a time and master it before moving on to another thing to try! You will be amazed at how easy it gets over time!
  • MBuckler3
    MBuckler3 Posts: 22
    You should never, EVER be ashamed of yourself. I can only speak for myself but I have come to this site for motivation and to possibly help others stay motivated NOT to judge others choices. I struggle everyday with my food choices (as I am positive alot of others do as well). It sounds like you have had a rough go of it and just need some positive reinforcements. I would be glad to help any way I can so feel free to add me if you would like.
  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member
    I cook for one, and you should remember....the freezer is your friend. You can make portions of meals and freeze them, so nothing is going to waste and you're not eating too much. You should also get used to what a suitable portion size is. Im not trying to sound mean saying this, but I dont think you can put a 10lb gain down to 'not eating enough'. You may have a slow metabolism, but that wont really make you gain weight whilst eating the same, it will prevent you from losing it.

    Sandwiches, brown rice with veg and fish, soups. All are easy to make, and can be healthy. Generally with rice, I do a handful (palm of hand) and thats enough for a portion. :) Message me if you want any recipes or anything.

    Also, I have no idea what hamburger helper is, but it sounds weird.
    Edit: I googled it, it looks unpleasant.
  • munchgen
    munchgen Posts: 19 Member
    I know how you feel with the cooking...I had A LOT of Hamburger Helper growing up!! (I cannot stand it today!) I am also a very picky eater. My actual cooking usually consists of Tacos, Chili, Spaghetti, Pizza, Chicken and Rice, Meatballs, Mac and Cheese, Grilled Cheese, and summer grilling foods (chicken, steak, hamburgers, hot dogs on the grill). And some of those are barely actually cooking. I often find myself making frozen food items for myself and my family. I have just recently joined the site, I have a few pounds of baby weight that I want to loose, but I also want my kids to grown up eating healthy (I have a 4yo and an 8mo). So I have decided now is the time to do something about it!

    I find that most recepies that are out there that look good always end up having things that I don't like in them...mushrooms, onions, sour cream, peppers, nuts, mayo, cream cheese...the list goes on and on. I see all these pictures of foods that look good, but looking at the ingredients I always think 'Eww Gross!' I don't know if you are familiar with the website pinterest, but I have recently started really looking on there for simple healthy meals and I have started making a list. My goal this summer is to try a bunch of new recepies with my family and see which ones we all like. I am then going to print out and put together this meal planner ( and hope that this helps me make better choices than the drive thru when it comes to dinner for my family. (I don't think I could actually plan out the entire year, but I am going to shoot for a month to month planning.)

    Dont be afraid to share your logs, I have really seen a lot of encouragement on this website, sometimes when we are struggling to make good choices it is nice to have someone that can give us ideas to help us change or even to simply tell us they believe in us and that we can do better tomorrow. 8-) And as others have said if you are not comfy sharing your logs quite yet you can keep them private for as long as you would like. 8-)

    I am also a very picky person but I have found even though I might not like the item cooking with it add TONS of flavor!!!! ie. Red Wine, I don't drink but my husband uses it when he make Stake Diane and Prime Rib (witch both are AWESOME!!!) My children don't like onions or mushrooms so I just try either not serve their meal with any or just have them pick out what they don't like or even cut it up really small so they can't tell it is in their food.

    Watching Food Network is AWESOME Rachel Ray has the 30 mintue meals on all the time and we like Guy on Guy's Big Bite. I have also found looking on helps as well.

    Hope this helps. Feel free to add me for support.
  • Nucky719
    Nucky719 Posts: 143
    I can't hardly cook either. My diary is full of fast food and my friends have pretty much stopped commenting on it. One of my friends called my meals "comical" LOL. But I leave my diary open to my friends because some are some in the same boat as me. I'm new at this and hopefully I'll get better with time. I'm trying a white chili recipe tonight but I'll have a frozen pizza as back up in case it doesn't go well.

    Add me if you like =)
  • x98btg
    x98btg Posts: 8 Member
    I love to cook, and can offer some tips for easy stuff to make if you like. I am really big on preparing more than my family needs and freezing the leftovers for a quick easy meal another day. I also LOVE my slow cooker. It is super easy to make healthy meals in a slow cooker, and it will make lots of leftovers for freezing as well.
  • barbiebarkley
    you can add me!!who cares if they are eating!!as long as you keep in your goal,thats all that matters.i sometimes give up lunch for pie or what ever...and if they dontlike it toooo baddddd for them!!!we all do things differentlly .(sorry cant sprll) good luck on your journey!!!!:flowerforyou:
  • A_New_Horizon
    A_New_Horizon Posts: 1,555 Member
    Don't ever be ashamed to get something off your chest - you are crying out for help/support which is what we are here for.

    I can't give you receipes or help you learn to cook because to be honest- I eat processed food and eat fast food (just not what I used too). I don't use it as an excuse, but I am a single mother of 2 babies who works full-time. I do what is best for me, and I have lost nearly 60 lbs. Now, if you aren't comfortable with people viewing your diary, put it to private - therefore no one can judge you but know if you are over/under. My diary is public, and I do get criticized for it sometimes, but I also know my circumstances and am doing the best I can.

    You CAN do this!! You have done it once and can do it again. Somtimes, it takes a little encouagement/support to get there. Here is a thought - if you want to make homemade meals (which are great). Make stuff that can be frozen or refrig for a later day/time. I know when I do cook for my family; we always have leftovers that I can take the next day to work. Just take babies steps - you will get there.
  • ahealthy4u
    ahealthy4u Posts: 442 Member
    Don’t feel ashamed it happens we all have our ups and downs you have come to terms with it by admitting you have an issues I would be glad to become a friend of yours keep your dairy private if you are to scared of what people think phish posh. You can eat what you want you just might lose weight slower but if you are making and effort that is what counts.
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    Cooking isn't something you are born knowing how to do! It takes time and practice. And if you mess it up, it's just food!! :)

    Don't be afraid to try to cook. Check out or for some great easy recipes. Start simple, like a homemade pizza, pasta, or tacos. Do you have a crock-pot? That's also a great way to cook your main dish. Feel free to add me and ask questions about how to cook.....techniques, methods, etc. I love to cook and love to share recipes!

    Good job on being honest about your situation - now go out & make something happen for yourself :)
  • xoeva
    xoeva Posts: 209 Member
    Thanks for sharing....there is no judgement...just start posting again.
    What I sometimes do is I log my food BEFORE I eat it, see the total of calories and then decided if i really want to eat that food. Or just half of the portion.
    If you've been brought up on processed foods one easy way to switch to healthier food choices (without needing to cook a lot) is to try to keep what you put in your mouth as natural as possible. So, apple chips VS an apple. The apple looks like it did when the farmer picked it from the tree = healthier choice. Milk or cheese? A glass of milk pretty much is what came out of the cow...the cheese had to have a lot done to it before it reached your fridge. An orange or orange juice? Orange is looks like it did when it was growing on the orange juice is more processed (and won't fill you up and is 'over' in seconds when you drink the whole orange needs to be peeled, chewed, enjoyed. Colours are also important in diets...make sure food has lots of colours, nature made the best most nutritious food with beautiful colours so it would be attractive to eat (think of strawberries, orange peppers and brocoli! Beautiful rainbow of food).
    You can also start small by just posting one of your meals...or only your snacks and slowly add all your other foods.
    good luck hope this helps.
  • lizb41
    lizb41 Posts: 17
    Hi, i havent read all the replies, but i will say that i dont cook!!! i hate cooking but will microwave a jacket potato or wash salad...i eat a lot of fat free cottage cheese, and also frozen veg and frozen microwaveable fish fillets....there's lots of quick, easy and affordable healthy foods if you cant or wont could buy frozen chicken fillets that cook from frozen so you can buy a whole bag and just cook a piece for one when you want it without wasting any.
  • Florawanda
    Florawanda Posts: 283 Member
    OP - after reading your post I just want to give you a big hug. :flowerforyou:

    Me too!! :flowerforyou:

    And me as well! Lots of good advice and support, and Freezer and microwave are wonderful helps too. I was fortunate in having a Mum who had to teach herself to cook, so we learned together!
    But I've never been a fan of recipes that have you preparing stuff for 3 hours, and then it's gone in 20 mins! So I use ready prepared jars of sauce, etc. Problem is that you don't know what all the chemicals etc are in them to extend their shelf life, so I prefer quick things like sauteing the meat (chicken, beef, pork, whatever) to seal it, then covering it with a tin of tomatoes, and popping in the oven for 30 mins or so.
    Ratatouille is a good way to cook whatever veggies you have to hand... start with the things that take longest to cook... like 2 medium onions and a peppers, chop them (remember to remove all the seeds from the peppers) and stir fry in some oil, add a chopped aubergine and courgette, then chopped clove of garlic and 2 big tomatoes. Stir it all together, put the lid on the frying pan, and simmer gently for about 30 mins (the veggies produce their own juices) stirring from time to time and then serve your portion, and freeze the rest! It makes a lovely supper dish popped in the oven with grated cheese on the top. Best of all, it really impresses your friends, and is packed full of goodness!
    Good luck in your journey - we're all here to help, not criticise and take you to task.
  • ladyfingers39
    Don't be ashamed, first off. :) We are not here to judge what you are eating, UNLESS you complain about not losing and then people will question what you are eating! ha...if that makes sense.

    Youtube...amazing info there with recipes, people walk you through. I personally love to cook and have since I was a child, if you have any questions or want idea's I would gladly share.

    Good luck, you can do this!!
  • Pollywog39
    Pollywog39 Posts: 1,730 Member
    So sorry about your accident, and the things that have happened to you! It's so tough to lose weight when you're healthy, I can't imagine how tough that was during that time!

    I'll chime in with the rest who have said "go slow" and start small with cooking. NONE of us was born to cook (well, probably not many, anyway :wink: ) and it's a learning process of practice, practice, practice. Start with easy recipes that only have a few ingredients,and follow the directions closely. IN NO TIME, you'll be more confident, and you'll start to take on more intricate recipes.

    In my case, I'm not a bad cook - but when I left my husband ( my kids were grown), I had to learn how to cook for ONE....and it took a couple of years before I stopped eating sandwiches and canned soups and frozen stuff. I just got hungry for the things I used to make - big pots of soup and chili, casseroles and roasts and such. So I made them, froze the extra, gave some to my kids, and had the foods I liked!

    Try something fun, like roasting a chicken. You can have a meal with that (a salad and maybe a baked sweet potato), and then you can make a pasta salad with the leftover chicken (heck, even those boxed ones are a good start - you can add your own fresh ingredients to them!)

    I hope you can get out of your FEAR, and that you'll soon be making up new recipes for yourself!

    Much success to you :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • WildFlower7
    WildFlower7 Posts: 714 Member
    I LOVE your post! And would LOVE to help you and Kudos to you for reaching out and wanting to change. I have an awesome meal plan, shopping list AND recipes that go with my lists. Friend me :)