I NEED HELP! I fell off eating healthy awhile go and I'm now out of control with chocolate all day every day. I try not to but can't control the cravings. PLEASE TELL ME WHAT TO DO! Yesterday I ate 14 reece peanutbutter cups. what do I do to stop the cravings and detox my body? PLEASE HELP


  • Quickster34
    Quickster34 Posts: 209 Member
    i like chocolate too , and resses are my favorite,to relace it though i have a chocolate protein shake with a little hazlenut fat free coffee creamer, and maybe PB2 , its way healthier and hits the spot for craving that resses taste.

    optimum nutrition rich chocolate or rocky road is what i use
    good luck!
  • echoica
    echoica Posts: 339 Member
    you don't have anything logged in your diary so i don't know if this is already the case but try eating regularly through-out the day - every 2-3 hours - this usually helps overcome the psychological aspect. deprivation leads to binging!
  • ElHombre23
    ElHombre23 Posts: 126 Member
    Don't panic we have all been there. Your first step is to stay away from your trigger foods throw it away walk in a differnet direction do whatever you could possibly do in order to avoid the trigger. You also will want to increase your water intake over the next 48 hours. Remember this is a process everyday is a new day, you wont be perfect, just concentrate on having more good days than bad..
  • ambrwaves27
    ambrwaves27 Posts: 206
    I hear ya I was the biggest "sugarholic". I think it is important to find your triggers. Do you crave it when you are hormonal? Tired? Bored? I am always borderline anemic (dont eat red meat) so it was instant energy for me. As soon as I started overdoing it on the protein though those cravings went away.

    So my suggestion is to make sure it is not readily availible for those weak moments and find filling alternatives (like chocolate yogurt, nutella on toast is good too).
  • TKHappy
    TKHappy Posts: 659 Member
    I could eat more than my fair share of chocolatey sweetness, if its near me I want it, soooo I just don't buy it. If I need a snack and I just have to have it...I'll get a york peppermint pattie (better then a snickers). Try finding healthy options to your craving....I want a reeses peanut butter cup, I make a shake with almond milk, choclate protein powder, and peanut butter. Eat small healthy snacks and drink water often to make sure your not just hungry. Also, do not completely eliminate the foods you crave because that can cause a binge fest! Good Luck, Stay Strong! :)
  • choughton01
    choughton01 Posts: 68 Member
    Thank you everyone for your advice. I feel so down and like a loser but your words have given me motivation again. THANK YOU ALL!
  • saturn44
    saturn44 Posts: 1
    It takes about 3 days for the sugar to get out of your system. Try sucking on Crystal Light sugar free candy or Jolly Ranchers sugar free candy..... Taste good and may get you past the cravings.