
hi i'm Corey and i have begun my get in shape adventure via the 30 Day Shred. today will be day 4. I am 33 yrs old, tall at 5'10", around 148lbs (i think, need to get a scale lol) . i have 3 children ages 9, 6 and 5. . I have been hating my midsection for so long. just need to tone it up, i don't really care about pounds lost. just want to wear pants without a muffin top lol. so far so good. just have to push myself because i'm a known procrastinator and tend to be very lazy lol. i have been amazed at some of the transformations i've seen here and hope someday to be able to post my own before and after pictures. i took some before pics the other day and can't wait to see if there are any noticeable changes!
