
I am fairly new to this. I am using myfitnesspal in conjunction with the fitbit and looks like it is going to be a good combination for me. My goal is lose about 50lbs and become more active and fit. I kind of let myself go and now it is time for change. I am now making myself a priority so that I can truly be healthy physical, mentally and spiritually. I want the whole package (I feel kind of greedy :laugh:) I am presently taking baby steps in hope they will become giant and last a lifetime. I will accept the small steps because this will be progress. I realize I didn't get this way overnight and I am not going to become fit and healthy overnight. I have got to do this slow and steady even though; I wish I could wave my magic wand and make the weight disappear and the body to look fine again :laugh: . I know I have jokes, but I am really serious about making some lifestyle changes to last a lifetime and not just the moment. My eating habits and physical activities have been lacking. These are areas in which I would like to improve. I really feel that if I stay committed and keeping track of what I am eating, physical activities BP, mood, etc., this will keep me honest and accountable. In doing this it will also make me see reality, because it is in my face and I can't hide it. I am hoping that this will keep me motivated in reaching my goal(s). There are too many tools available here and the fitbit for me use in aiding in this process. Enough excuses for myself, because this the first day for the rest of my life. And if I fall off from time to time, I have to pick myself up and start again. I will not quit, because I know what results I want. This is how I have to talk to myself, so that I can push the negatives out. I am going to utilize the boards in hopes I can learn, get tips from you and in turn be able to help others so that we can all obtain all our goals. It has been real, but I have to get movin'. Signing off.

Keep it movin'