Has anyone been to a Dietitian?

I have been at this a year and have not had much success. I have made an appointment with a dietitian. I am hoping it is going to be helpful and not a waste of money. Has anyone else been to a dietitian what was your experience like? Did it help you? What did the dietititan do to help you?


  • I saw a dietitian about 5 years ago when I was a teenager. I had to go about once a month and they just kept track of my weight and made me keep food diaries, advised me on what sort of things I should be eating and what I shouldn't be, drink more water, eat more fruit & veg and less cakes- that sort of thing. I also joined a workout group through them. But then I found myself getting into really bad habits because I hated going to the appointments knowing I hadn't lost any weight so I started starving myself before the appointment and then binging massively after. I've done much better on my own since then now that i'm losing weight for myself and in my own time. I also think back then I didn't have the same motivation I do now.

    My personal opinion it that if you've been trying to lose weight for a year, you probably already know the sort of things you should be doing and perhaps their advice won't be that useful. But then they might be hugely helpful in terms of giving you more motivation to keep going and perhaps having someone else keep track of your weight as well would spur you on. Good luck xx
  • IveLanded
    IveLanded Posts: 797 Member
    I did am I'm so glad I did. In my program, my nutritionist actually made me a menu to stick to. It really helped me get on track with my eating.
  • julesg100
    julesg100 Posts: 109 Member
    Yes, I had my first appointment two weeks ago. I want to drop about 12 lbs. and I also have hypothyroidism. On top of that, I am gluten intolerant, so if I eat anything with gluten, I gain weight from that.

    The dietitian has me on a balanced plan with more carbs than I was previously eating. I have to be careful with gluten free products because they can have more calories and carbs than their wheat counterparts. My diet is based on food exchanges which is like how WW was years ago. I started logging my food on this site so that I could know exactly how many calories I am eating. The dietitian calculated my BMR and TDEE and used those numbers to come up with my recommended daily caloric intake. So far, I have lost 4 pounds since the end of March and I am not starving myself. The weight is coming off slowly, but I feel like I can maintain the loss when I hit my goal weight.

    Also I wanted to add that my dietitian gave me guidelines for my meals; however, she did not give me a menu that I have to stick to. I think making the choices and learning about the calories and nutrients in food is more effective than just eating a set menu. JMHO.