how to make protein powder taste better??

OH_matt Posts: 228 Member
I just bought my first jug of protein powder last night. I got it because I don't get enough protein from what I eat, so I'm just trying to up the intake I'm not on one of those crazy get-ripped plans. The thing is, I mixed it with water like was suggested and it's not that good. The package says I can mix it with milk or other things like that, but I've heard I should try to avoid that. What are some other things I can do to help make this taste better??


  • pmdhardy
    pmdhardy Posts: 40 Member
    I always use milk.. makes it seem more like a milkshake.. and if its choc protein powder i always put a little bit of cocoa powder to make it more choc and when I use the vanilla powder i use milk , with frozen fruit if you like and try different flavours of crystal light.. the orange tangerine flavour makes it taste like a creamcicle.. just have to play with the amount of flavour to suit your taste.. and so many other smoothie receipies on the web.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,126 Member
    Why would you not mix it with milk? If it is whey based, it already has "milk" proteins. I put it in my coffee, smoothies, etc.
  • theNurseNancy
    Use milk.
  • BreakingOath
    BreakingOath Posts: 193 Member
    I used to hate it in water too and would actually gag when I drank it like that. It's to the point now where the taste grew on me and now I drink it with water easily.

    People mix them into smoothies to cover up the taste.
  • jrodx2
    jrodx2 Posts: 203 Member
    I mix with almond or soy milk when I'm on the go. If I have more time, I will put in a blender with plain greek yogurt (even more protein that way) and fruits.

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  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    Protein powder is not part of a meal that you eat because you crave the taste. My ex-trainer drinks protein powder mixed with water and instead of thinking of it as "food", he thinks of it as a supplement. So there's that, if you're willing to change your perspective a bit.

    Try drinking it with milk and a little bit of honey, that made it pretty palatable!
  • JBurger2066
    JBurger2066 Posts: 161 Member
    I mix mine (chocolate flavored powder) with skim milk, a banana, strawberries, and dark cherries. I use it as one of my meals, and it is probably one of the better tasting things I have all day. Haha.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    Protein powder is not part of a meal that you eat because you crave the taste. My ex-trainer drinks protein powder mixed with water and instead of thinking of it as "food", he thinks of it as a supplement. So there's that, if you're willing to change your perspective a bit.

    This is the approach I take. I also use Myofusion which has a good texture when mixed with water. I have used 100% Gold Standard Whey by OM and that was thin in water and didn't have good texture. You may ahve to experiment with a few different ones until you find what you like. Meanwhile, add milk if that helps. It does push up the calories though.
  • Quickster34
    Quickster34 Posts: 209 Member
    buy better protein, optimum has tons of flavors that taste good with water or milk, therefore you get versitility and dont always have to have milk with you