Chocolate cravings-daily



  • lukeout007
    lukeout007 Posts: 1,247 Member
    Skinny Cow Ice Cream Sandwiches.

    Your welcome.
  • kalynn06
    kalynn06 Posts: 368 Member
    Buy the darkest chocolate you can tolerate without a lot of added sugar- or the darkest "milk" chocolate if you can't do dark due to headaches. A little bit of intense chocolate will satisfy the cravings. For me this works, because I cannot control myself with sugary chocolate but darker, more bitter chocolate eases the cravings without triggering the urge to binge. It's also an antioxidant.
  • gHizzie37
    3 days without chocolate is about my limit. I have found that for some reason baby carrots curb my chocolate cravings. But it's hard to think chocolate and eat carrots.
    ATOLLIT Posts: 149
    As a couple of people have said there are some hot chocolates that are a lot healthier than a bar of chocolate, say 40 calories per mug when made with hot water and a splash of milk. I can't stick to any diet that doesn't include at least a small amount of chocolate, but I try to save it as a treat for the evening and eat tiny mouthfuls at a time to drag it out for a while so it feels like I've eaten a lot more of it than I actually have
  • LinzCurlyQ
    LinzCurlyQ Posts: 94 Member
    For as long as I can remember, I have had chocolate every day. Even when sticking to my cals, I have factored at least a fun size bar into my day.

    There was one particular day last week (which I was too ashamed to log) where I had 2 yorkie bars, a Milky bar and a pack of munchies...:embarassed:

    My chocolate cravings are getting out of control. Any other chocolate lovers out there found any alternatives?????

    Ps: I haven't had any chocolate for 3 days, I think I am going to go insane

    Chocolate cravings may indicate a magnesium deficiency, try eating other foods high in magnesium, such as nuts, seeds, fish, and leafy greens.

    Read more:
    whoopsie...didn't see this post about magnesium already
    Another thing you might be lacking is magnesium. I take calcium magnesium supplement. Magnesium is great for your muscles, and chocolate usually has high amounts of it.
  • nyxt
    nyxt Posts: 60
    I have a perpetual craving for chocolate too. Haha! What I do is, I buy natural cocoa powder then I make a lot of low-calorie, chocolaty stuff. Oh and I recently found a website with awesome, easy, healthy chocolate recipes:
  • amonkey794
    amonkey794 Posts: 651 Member
    Unsweetened cocoa powder and add it to yogurt, oatmeal, smoothies, etc

    Chocolate flvoring syrup (for coffee, but I put it in EVERYTHING)

    Chocolate protein powder

    Any combination of the 3 . . . I get my chocolate fix ;)
  • amonkey794
    amonkey794 Posts: 651 Member
    I have a perpetual craving for chocolate too. Haha! What I do is, I buy natural cocoa powder then I make a lot of low-calorie, chocolaty stuff. Oh and I recently found a website with awesome, easy, healthy chocolate recipes:

    I made chocolate Brownie pancakes using her red velvet recipie!!!! mmmmmmm
  • SusieLamon
    SusieLamon Posts: 29 Member
    :happy: I don't have chocolate cravings and I don't love chocolate. I know, not possible right? LOL. But, I do have cravings of other things, mainly carbs....and that is what put most of my weight on. I love pizza and bread and all things carbs. Induling sometimes isn't such a bad thing. Log it into your food diary. Try a few bite sized hershey bars and see if that will do. Just try to be strong enough not to do it every day! I think that has been one of my problems in the past, I totally deny myself, and then go nuts with gorging on all the things I love and miss. This has to be a lifetime change, and totally leaving chocolate out of your diet may not be a great idea! Small steps! And small portions of chocolate!
  • mrseelmerfudd
    mrseelmerfudd Posts: 506 Member
    i get my chocolate fix with my whey protein. i have myprotein impact whey choc smooth, and i also have strawberry delight as well. both v tasty, but the choc smooth means i get my choccy fix!
  • vanderandkarl
    i work a chocolate fix into my diet, some days i dont even have it, make sure you have a little of what you fancy because its about a healthy eating plan for life not a diet for a few months.

    also freeze a chocolate pudding then it lasts longer when you eat it :)

    in the uk we have miller light yoghurt and my fav is coconut with dark chocolate sprinkles which i freeze and its lush.

    good luck
  • mordacious
    mordacious Posts: 13 Member
    I've eaten chocolate everyday for probably the last 3 years at least. I always leave room for frozen chocolate yogurt and chocolate syrup (290 cals total). I miss my chocolate peanut butter ice cream from baskin robbins though. Way too many calories :( Anyways, I would never deprive myself of chocolate!
  • warmachinejt
    warmachinejt Posts: 2,167 Member
    lol if i stopped eating chocolate it'd be like cutting off my own penis :0
    allow yourself chocolate and also make sure you're getting decent sleep (7 hours or more). Sometimes not sleeping gives carb cravings.
  • AlayshaJ
    AlayshaJ Posts: 703 Member
    My whole life is a chocolate craving.... I eat chocolate everyday.
  • sabriel
    sabriel Posts: 46
    I eat children's ice lollies. Supermarkets generally do good cheap low calorie ones.
    I get a creamy chocolate ice cream thing for 65 cals.

    If I didn't let myself eat things like this I wouldn't ever be able to make it a lifestyle change.
  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    I buy those little "fun size" bags of Three Musketeers, the ones were they're only like a little cube of candy. Each one is like 25 calories so having one or two doesn't kill my day like a whole bar would. Though I do keep a full bar of chocolate in the house, those are for my intense cravings. I'll take a couple of bites or eat a square of it and I force myself to take my time on it since It taste it longer without resorting to gorging.
  • swisspea
    swisspea Posts: 327 Member
    I totally hear you- I live in SWITZERLAND!

    Chocolate cravings can be tough, and I used to have a big problem (again, I live in Switzerland, the bars here are bigger, the chocolate creamier, and there is literally an entire isle of chocolate bars in every grocery store)- but I went cold-turkey on chocolate for Lent (I'm not religious though, I grew up religious and giving things up during this period, so it was a useful time-frame for me). It was really really hard, but I did it with only 2 slip-ups, once was a pack of cookies and a story I won't go into, though it makes me laugh, and another was chocolate sprinkled on a cappuccino and I just forgot that it was there. The two months avoiding chocolate re-trained my cravings and made my chocolate cravings nearly non-existant. A few weeks ago I had a magnum chocolate ice cream, and I had to throw it away, it was so rich! I do of course still enjoy chocolate and occasionally eat it. I keep a dark chocolate bar in the house and have a square every once in a while, and I definitely had a crunchie and a creme egg when I visited England last week. Giving it up for almost two months definitely helped, and I would do it again.
  • nickiog
    nickiog Posts: 187 Member
    wow thanks for posting that...i never knew there was a connection...i normally dont really like chocolate much but since i started breastfeeding i feel like the only thing i ever want to eat is reeses anemic so that explains the peanut butter part but now i wonder if the chocolate part is magnesium. that would be great if i could just add a vitamin and ditch my 500 cal/day habit!

    Chocolate cravings may indicate a magnesium deficiency, try eating other foods high in magnesium, such as nuts, seeds, fish, and leafy greens.

    Read more:
  • GSCPostBaby
    GSCPostBaby Posts: 111 Member
    Because of the psychological and health benefits of dark chocolate, I allow myself one half square of Baker's Semi-Sweet Chocolate once a day. It's very pure chocolate and only has 75 calories per half square. You can also go to bittersweet, which is also delicious, if you want more antioxidant goodness. I would avoid milk and white chocolate because of the extra fat and calories and decreased health benefits. White chocolate isn't really chocolate anyway.

    I also use a chocolate flavored protein supplement which knocks down the craving.
  • magicae
    magicae Posts: 19
    A couple of days ago I made my first overnight oatmeal and I had some cocoa powder in it. Tastes perfect.

    I used this recipe. :)

    (I used vanilla yoghurt, no seeds and a whole banana)