Hello ALL!!!!! :))

Hello ALL!!!

Im Salesse, Im 26 and a mom of a 5 year old daughter! Im a BeachBody lover.. i have turbo jam, turbo fire, P90x and as of TODAY INSANITY! i did p90x about a year and half ago and lost the 45 lbs... i then slowly but SURELY gained it alll back :(( ! I do turbo jam and turbo fire.. per diem you could say.. im a ex track star (highschool.. which was FOREVER ago, a ex cheerleader. field hocker player and dancer) so i know for sure i have it in me tho it was 8 years ago! I bounce back pretty quickly ... my problem is not so much working out.. its more motivating to do it and then to EAT right on top of it.. i know the foundation.. i could probably be a personal trainer/healthy chef.. its just DOING it when it comes to myself.. ughh why can i dish out advice and then not do it myself.. well no one is perfect and we all need someone to help us along no matter how much we think we know! So lookin for friends or motivators up here!!
Thanks :))
