Re-starting healthy metabolism

I started using MFP in February in an attempt to start losing weight. Unfortunately I fell into the bad habit of eating as few calories as possible and burning as much as possible through exercise. As you can imagine, I'm pretty confident I screwed up my metabolism. Even before I started tracking my intake on here, I only ate 2-3 times a day and rarely worked out so I know my calorie intake was rather low (and unhealthy).

The last couple of weeks I've upped my target calories to over 2,000 a day (eating 5-6 meals a day and consuming a ton of water) and began lifting 3 times a week and running 3-5 miles 4-5 times a week. I know I still need to consume more calories, and I often do when I workout, but at least I know I'm giving my body plenty of healthy nutrients now. Unfortunately I haven't lost much weight since this change, but I'm confident it is only a matter of time. My question is, does anyone know how long it usually takes for your metabolism to return to a "healthy" state? Obviously everyone is different, but I've read on various posts that it can take 3 or more weeks. Any truth to that?

I now have more energy and feel better, so although I may not be losing weight on the scale, I feel I'm already reaping some rewards of a healthier lifestyle. But I think we all would like to see our little tickers move further right. I just want to make sure I'm doing everything right so two months from now I don't have another moment where I realized I just wasted so much time for not properly educating myself. Thanks for the help!


  • Araucaria29
    Araucaria29 Posts: 157 Member
    Hi, I have absolutely no idea but maybe this can help : I have hypothyroidism and was diagnosed almost 15 years ago. Whenever there has been a change in the dosage prescription, the doctor tells me it would take about a month for my metabolism to adjust to the new dosage.

    Opinions anyone????