Autoimmune disease: Anyone else unable to lose ANY weight??



  • Sasseh42
    Sasseh42 Posts: 16
    And one thing I have always thought meant I had a FAST metabolism is that when I go to the washroom after eating, let's say I eat lettuce, well 1-4 hours later I will see that lettuce in my waste. Pretty much everything I eat, some of it will come through and still be intact.

    Sorry if that is gross, but I think it might be a piece of the puzzle.... seems like I am not digesting things properly and they take no time at all to go through my system (so why am I not UNDERweight!?)

    I have that same problem with Crohn's and I am definitely not underweight (typical of Crohn's). My thyroid tests are wonky, one time they will be normal and the next time they will be off. But apparently not enough for them to officially diagnose me and put me on meds. It could be that your body has a problem digesting some foods, but not all. For me, I also know that soda was a HUGE factor in my weight. I drank it all the time, and even though I had an idea how much I was taking in, I was ignoring what it was doing to me. I can honestly say, since I've quit drinking it that I feel better.

    What are you drinking?

    I think you need to sit down with you physician and have a heart to heart. Get to a specialist for your disease, an endocrinologist for the possible thyroid issue and then when they have worked all that out visit a nutritionist to help you set up a diet plan.

    I was a soda fiend! I drank first regular then diet for years and years. I have been off soda for almost two years now besides the occasional indulgence. Not a pound lost! nothing! Cut out sugar, dairy and white flour and NADA! I have just taken to cutting out gluten as well even though I did two elimination diets and did not find that I had any intolerances. So far, no weight lost and do not feel any better :( I wonder what else I can cut out... potatoes, salt, I dunno... truly I do not eat much at all! I am already left with so little to eat, I cant imagine cutting more out.

    I drink water and that's it. If I drink anything else I drink lemon water with stevia. I don't drink fruit juices or anything at all but water. I drink a lot of water each day too. At least 6 BIG glasses.

    Your plan of action is what I was thinking! Endicronologist despite what the test says and then nutritionist.

    My doctor problem is solving itself soon: She is retiring. However it is near impossible to find a family doctor in Ontario, so that is a whole other ball game.

    I found a checklist of thyroid problem symptoms.... I couldnt believe how many things I had... strange things like cold butt and hands, hunger late at night, plantars warts, etc. Things I would have never known were related to thyroid problem. Things my doctor NEVER asked!!!!!!

    So scary to know that if we dont take our health into our own hands, we could pay dearly for it. Can't trust your doctor to connect the dots for you!!!
  • mbcsl44
    mbcsl44 Posts: 1 Member
    I was just diagnosed. I am normally 125-130 lbs but gained 60 lbs in the past 2.5 years for no reason. I too went through multple tests, met with a Registered Diatician to evaluate my nutrition, etc. Finally I met with an Endo who noticed a lump on my thyroid. My Endo said that there is not much that can be done about the disorder or the weight gain. She said I would not be able to lose the weight until the weight gain stops. We upped my calories to 1400 (200 calorie increase) and the weight gain slowed by 60% in the past five months. I will not be able to received meds until my thyriod levels drop by a half a point.
  • becka63
    becka63 Posts: 712 Member
    When you said that when you use the toilet a lot of the foods you eat are passing undigested, then your body isn't getting the full nutritional value from them...which could impact upon your lack of weight loss. I got nothing more than that, I'm afraid other than to wish you luck with your investigations!
  • hcfairy1
    hcfairy1 Posts: 10 Member
    I also have a lump behind my ear and have been gaing weight rapidly.