
So was just wondering what you guys think of Pilates?
Have you had sucess? Do you think the DVD's are worth getting?
Lost weight and inches by it?

Lemme knowwww. :)


  • iLinduh
    iLinduh Posts: 50 Member
    I've done a few Pilates classes at my gym and a few different videos. The workouts are great and give me a good burn, but I've never stuck with it long enough to say it made a huge contribution to my weight loss.

    However, before investing in a DVD, check out this Youtube channel for some really good Pilates workouts!

  • Spanaval
    Spanaval Posts: 1,200 Member
    I am really starting to appreciate Pilates. I pretty much did Yoga and Pilates for the first 3 weeks I was working out, and lost 2 inches around the waist and one around the hip (keep in mind that I am at a healthy BMI already, don't have a lot of weight to lose, and just want to tone). My core strength is significantly improved.