
I weigh a lot. this has been an excuse to avoid running for a long time (even when I weighed less than I do now). I have sketchy knees (one has a habit of hyperextending when stressed), so, in effect, I've never been a runner. But when I'm trying to be more fit, my brain likes to toy with the idea of miraculously becoming a runner...
Now that you have the back story. Here's my interesting scenario.

7 days ago I began the 30 day shred. On the first day, I thought nothing of not wearing shoes, and did the exercises. But while I was doing it I saw they were all wearing shoes, so I thought I should. I found that I was having a really hard time doing simple things like butt-kicks and "jump rope". I persevered, with shoes.

Today I didn't wear my shoes (can't find them!), and I felt MUCH better doing these exercises that caused me grief before. I have nice light saucony trainers, so I don't think it's a weight thing, I think its a my-feet-have-a-better-sense-of-the-world-when-bare thing.

Is this indicative of what barefoot running could be like? How many of you out there train with or without shoes?
I hate shoes in general, and even as an adult have to be told to put my shoes on in public... so maybe this is just a me thing.


  • adornedelle
    You may want to try Vibram Five Finger Shoes for running. They are insanely light and it feels like your barefoot but you have a lot more protection. I also find it easier to workout barefoot. I recently got a pair and the difference between this and my trainers are night and day!