Vegetarian and have excess carbs every day



  • swinginchandra
    swinginchandra Posts: 418 Member
    I can see how it would be easy, but I agree with the others that it's not necessary. I eat vegetarian, and unless it's a day when I'm biking 100+ miles (fairly common, actually), I usually eat fairly low carb as well.
    There are a few important things to note:

    1) NET carbs. Most vegetables are very fiberful, which ups the carb count, but not the effective carbs. Net carbs = total carbs - fiber.
    2) lose the bread, pasta, and rice. It sounds restrictive now, but you can get used to it. Salads replace sandwiches, rice is unnecessary - just a filler. Make carrot or spaghetti sqash pasta.
    3) LOTS of vegetables. Broccoli, zucchini, spinach, chard... you're a vegetarian. EAT vegetables!!!!

    Not that I particularly think carb count is that important. I do think lower carb is a useful tool to moderate calories though... if you want to do it, you can!
  • ByrdMessy
    ByrdMessy Posts: 94
    You can make your diary public by going to "FOOD" and then "Settings". It might seem invasive, but I've found people are very constructive and celebrate your treats as much as clean foods.
  • astronasrin
    Yes, that's typical. I did a vegan diet for 6 months and my carb count was high. But, I lost weight very well.

    Have you kept the weight off? I have been vegetarian for just over a month now and haven't noticed any dramatic changes yet.

    I think becoming vegetarian might not be enough. If you still keep on eating diaries like cheese, ice cream or cookies it's not gonna help. I think most of the fattening foods are vegetarian!
  • humblestumble
    humblestumble Posts: 18 Member
    I'm reviving this post to say that I am also vegetarian and get close to over my carb count everyday. I don't eat pasta or any gluten (wheat flour) based foods. I am also cutting out my processed foods and refined sugars.

    I eat very little rice (maybe once a month??)

    Today I have only eaten two main means (with snacks like a handful of nuts) in between. Is this a bad thing for weight loss? I am trying to incorporate more raw foods into my diet too.

    I ate black beans, green beans and peas for lunch. Raw Chia "pudding" was breakfast.
  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    I have been a fat vegan and a skinny vegetarian. It’s all about portion control. As for carbs, I usually meet or exceed my protein and fat goals for the day, which usually puts me under on carbs. If you pay attention to protein when you shop, it makes it a lot easier to hit your macros (boca vegan burgers are a godsend for hitting protein goals).

    Edit: Curses, didn't realize this was a zombie post.
  • Zylahe
    Zylahe Posts: 772 Member
    Are you insinuating vegetarians are zombies?.:bigsmile:

    And to get my 2 cents in, i lived for years on just carbs ( noodles and bread)
    But now i eat a lot more protein, it does help to keep me fuller.
    Though i can never seem to hit my goal
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    carbs aren't bad, just eat the right kinds and plenty of fiber.