foot injury

I just started to see some real success on this program, and have injured my foot and will be in boot for at least 4 more weeks....any ideas for exercise? I do not want to fail, or get off track. i have gained back about 1.5 lbs in the last 2 weeks from non activity and being in the boot...Help...


  • hthrld
    hthrld Posts: 125 Member
    Can you do a stationary bike? Swimming?
  • TurtleRunnerNC
    TurtleRunnerNC Posts: 768 Member
    Exercise bike? Ab work. Upper body?
  • calgarychick2012
    calgarychick2012 Posts: 65 Member
    ok I did this 3 weeks ago also in a boot no weight on foot. watch calorie intake drink lots of water do upper body weights. I am still losing only about a lb a week.
  • matchbox_girl
    matchbox_girl Posts: 535 Member
    To be completely honest, when I broke my foot back in January I tossed the boot and crutches into the back of my car and carried on with every day life. Did it feel good? No? Was it a good idea to run, walk, keep on it? Probably not. Did I do it anyway? Yup. My foot is fine. Aside from the ocassional soreness it's healed and walking/jogging on it didn't damage it further. (The 1,000 medical bill damaged my pride, I can tell you that.)

    Besides the point.

    If you're not comfortable with walking on it, then don't. Yes it will hurt, especially if it's broken. However, there's a very large chance it'll heal just fine whether you use the stupid boot or not.
  • m0dizzle
    m0dizzle Posts: 101 Member
    Punches can help keep your cardio up, maybe some ab work?
  • pat6250
    pat6250 Posts: 90
    You can sit in a chair and use weights and/or stretch bands for upper body. You could lay on the floor and exercise your good leg a bit, but not too much or it won't match your casted foot. As you sit in the chair, you can lean forward and back, and side to side. Look up 'isometrics'. You flex your muscles while you are sitting or standing, like your stomach and butt.
  • ebahde
    ebahde Posts: 89 Member
    Pool workouts are great...typically you can even do things like water aerobics, water running, etc... even with a foot injury because its your foot doesn't get as much impact as it would if you weren't in the water.

    Exercise bike (if your doctor says its okay)

    Upper body strength training and Abs
  • marywanoKC
    marywanoKC Posts: 176
    Row machine? Weights?
  • CosmicBella
    CosmicBella Posts: 195 Member
    To be completely honest, when I broke my foot back in January I tossed the boot and crutches into the back of my car and carried on with every day life. Did it feel good? No? Was it a good idea to run, walk, keep on it? Probably not. Did I do it anyway? Yup. My foot is fine. Aside from the ocassional soreness it's healed and walking/jogging on it didn't damage it further. (The 1,000 medical bill damaged my pride, I can tell you that.)

    Besides the point.

    If you're not comfortable with walking on it, then don't. Yes it will hurt, especially if it's broken. However, there's a very large chance it'll heal just fine whether you use the stupid boot or not.

    ^^... This! I broke my ankle back in June and was tired of being told to sit around in the cast and wait for it to heal. I started walking, then jogging and now I'm running. Does it hurt like a MF sometimes?..yup. But it's better than the alternative...sitting around and chunking up again.
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    I just started to see some real success on this program, and have injured my foot and will be in boot for at least 4 more weeks....any ideas for exercise? I do not want to fail, or get off track. i have gained back about 1.5 lbs in the last 2 weeks from non activity and being in the boot...Help...

    I'm recovering from a foot injury myself. I would say don't push it. It's better to fully heal. Watch what you eat, start walking when you can, and do some upper body exercises when you're up to it.
  • suztheq
    suztheq Posts: 171
    When I had foot surgery in November, I was weight bearing in my boot, but completely unstable. I focused on ab work and upper body workouts with light dumbbells (shoulder presses, seated flys, seated triceps extensions, presses while lying down, and so on). I also did some pilates. Basically anything to get moving without standing. Hope this helps and that your foot feels better soon!
  • cynma
    cynma Posts: 76 Member
    Hi I broke my foot in Nov and was in a fiberglass cast. I bought a tape off ebay called jodi stoloves dancing around the world. It was a exercise tape you did sitting in a chair. I must say it was challenging the cast came off and i was never able to get through the whole tape. Maybe give it a try you can see a sample on utube. just put in her name. Best wishes:smile:
  • cpauscher
    cpauscher Posts: 41
    I can definately relate. I'm just coming off of a foot injury and surgery. I couldn't exercise like I wanted for about 3 months. It sucked so bad. I gained back 10 pounds and did a lot of pity eating. (If I'd have stayed on my food plan I wouldn't have gained that much back ) What I was able to do with my trainer was the exercise bike using the foot that wasn't injured to keep the pedals going. I also did some light weights (machine) for the lower body and kept up with the weights I was using for my upper body. I couldn't do leg presses, but I could do leg curls and extensions. After my stitches came out I could so some light water aerobics, Good luck with your recovery. It just takes time to heal. If you would like to add me as a friend, I'd love that.
  • virginia65us
    virginia65us Posts: 106 Member
    Would you be able to do a little hula hooping? It gives you a combination of cardio and core toning, without a lot of moving around. I have a three-pound weighted hoop that gives me a pretty good workout.
  • runningdiva77
    you will be set back physically, but you really need to rest your foot/body. just cut your calories back. you'll be ok
  • donnao1117
    Wow,all these wonderful pilates instructor also suggested stationary bike, and i would love to swim, but may have to stick to "finning" as my shoulder acts up, and i love doing at least a mile in the pool....gave that up....but long bursts of kicking may bring the heart rate up also......Thank you, will try some things this week and report progress!
  • donnao1117
    oh matchbox girl...u are fortunate to have youth on your foot injury was from a few years ago, and never really healed right....i deep reinsuring it, and always had soreness on the inside of my ankle/foot....just thought that was age...but after several doctors have found out it is an "extra" bone in my foot, that is wreaking havoc with my tendons and, don't ignore your pain! I have received many wonderful ideas today...thank you for responding!
  • donnao1117
    hmmm. sounds like it can help with some stress issues also....who teaches you how to do
  • DannyMussels
    DannyMussels Posts: 1,842 Member
    you will be set back physically, but you really need to rest your foot/body. just cut your calories back. you'll be ok

    I actually agree with this.

    We can guess and suggest what you can do, but some of the stuff might injure you further, and make it a permanent issue.

    From experience, I'd suggest losing weight through a change in diet.

    I've lost 40lbs without lifting a finger. Would I recommend it for healthy, uninjured individuals? No.
  • dezwark
    dezwark Posts: 144 Member
    i would say sit down and box. you can still get your heart rate up. any other arm exercises