

  • missjojo31
    missjojo31 Posts: 150
    about 3000.... i cheat bad :( lol
  • Jordynnsmom
    Jordynnsmom Posts: 88 Member
    I try not to let it be more than 500 cals over. So no more than 2000 cals in a day. It is strange though because before I started having a calorie spike day my weight loss would stall. That extra bit of calories once a week kicks the weight loss into gear.
  • dakitten2
    dakitten2 Posts: 888 Member
    I really dont do cheat days, but I may have a cheat meal, but so far have been able to keep it within my calorie goal. I just cut my calories for breakfast and lunch to accommodate a "cheat" (higher calorie) dinner. Tomorrow will end week 24 for me and so far I've only exceeded my calorie goal one day. Now come vacation time, I'm sure that will change but I'm trying to stay within my calorie goal until then.
  • akiramezu
    akiramezu Posts: 278
    Usually 4000-5000 on a cheat day =]
  • REET420
    REET420 Posts: 160 Member
    I had to many cookies the other day and I felt awful after so I am going to try my best not to cheat.
  • Sepheara
    Sepheara Posts: 208 Member
    yesterday was a long stressful day and I missed lunch so Icheated on dinner and was still under my calories. However, on days that I cheat and I don't miss a meal I don't think I'm usually over by more then 5-6 hundred calories.
  • DixieDarlin1987
    DixieDarlin1987 Posts: 553 Member
    Actually, I'm scared to know! I don't log on my cheat day but I'd venture to say 3000+ lol! That's the beauty of my cheat day, I don't log, I don't practice portion control, I don't even look at the nutritional information! For some, cheating is bad because they aren't able to stop afterwards, but for me it's refreshing. One day of not worrying about it gets me in the right mind set for the coming week :wink:
  • katysmelly
    katysmelly Posts: 380 Member
    Just curious --when/if you have a cheat meal/day, what's your average cal intake compared to every other day?

    It's too soon for me to say, yet. I've only had one "cheat" day and I think I ate 2900, when my MFP thing is set for 1250. But, I'd banked a lot of calories over the week, and I didn't go over that.

    I'm still learning how foods make me feel, particularly sweets. I think in the future I'll try to eat more calories every day and then just save an extra thousand for Sundays so that I can eat full meals without exercising.
  • jaynehayden83
    jaynehayden83 Posts: 16 Member
    If I have a treat day I try not to go over more than about 500 cals over my calorie goal for the day. Seem to be managing so far but only 8 weeks in.
  • zoeluiisa
    zoeluiisa Posts: 392
    I don't deliberately have cheat days - but there are plenty days when I go over my calories because I'm out for dinner/drinking/whatever. I try to eat less the next few days so that my weekly total balances (thank god for the weekly average column on the MFP bar chart!).

    ETA - when I'm over, it's usually by about 300-500 cals.
  • mistikal13
    mistikal13 Posts: 1,457 Member
    My cheat meals or treats can be anywhere from 200cals and WAY up. I eat it. I enjoy it. I deserve it. I move on!
  • ArchyJill
    ArchyJill Posts: 548 Member
    Oh hell, on cheat day it's probably 3-4000? Hard core cheater here haha

    Wow! I don't think I could eat that many calories if I tried! ... well, partially because I'm poor, and it's hard to eat a lot of calories when you're poor, but still!

    Actually, if you're poor its very, very easy to eat that many calories. Junk food gives the highest caloric return for the money spent...look at the dollar menus at some of the fast food joints, or the mega burrito pack at the grocery store, the 10 frozen pot pies for $5, etc. There is an established correlation between income level and obesity.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Oh hell, on cheat day it's probably 3-4000? Hard core cheater here haha

    Yep. May as well have fun.

    Although I have to learn to stop eating just because I can on cheat days.

    Edited because I forgot to quote...
  • Bakkasan
    Bakkasan Posts: 1,027 Member
    Oh hell, on cheat day it's probably 3-4000? Hard core cheater here haha

    Totally, if I am REALLY restricting which I do from time to time, my cheat day is legendary.
  • shammxo
    shammxo Posts: 1,432 Member
    Oh hell, on cheat day it's probably 3-4000? Hard core cheater here haha

    Yep. Easily.

  • connerstella
    connerstella Posts: 8 Member
    I don't like to do a full DAY of cheating. If I know I'm going to have something bad for dinner, than I go about my morning as usual, maybe even eat less, so at the end of the day I'm only like 500 over. Not so bad!