Looking for friends and encouragement!

Hi guys! I'm kinda new to this site and not to many friends on fitnesspal I mostly got family remembers but they stop using myfitnesspal awhile ago. I'v lost track of my eating habits even though I'v lost 15 pounds its still not enough and with my aunt bring in all this goodies into the house. I stop watching what I'm eating. I need help!


  • I will be happy to help!!! sending you a request now.
  • BB2715
    BB2715 Posts: 5
    Im not sure how to send requests yet, Im a newbie, but you can add me or whatever. Im working on loosing weight too. Not so easy with a house full of kids :)
  • orangecrayon
    orangecrayon Posts: 293 Member
    Sure I'll help! Sending you a request :) Anyone else can send me one, too if they need more friends (just say that's the reason so I'm not freaked out lol)
  • hanniejong
    hanniejong Posts: 556 Member
    I have just sent you a friend request.
  • Only very new myself but I will be happy to help support you :)
  • bertamus
    bertamus Posts: 2
    thanks you guys it means alot to me!!
  • Mosaic67
    Mosaic67 Posts: 9 Member
    Sending a request once I post this! I'm fairly new and friends are good to have. (My personal friends use other apps.) I like this one so am not going to change. Best wishes!!!
  • EbonySD
    EbonySD Posts: 142
    Friend request sent!
  • You can add me also. That is what we are here for to help one another. I just joined
    last month.
  • I sent one!
  • lyndall5311
    lyndall5311 Posts: 146 Member
    Ive just sent you one. Cheers