soda not diet not zero but real calorie filled soda



  • CRenaeB
    CRenaeB Posts: 66
    I was drinking 6 or more cans of pepsi a day!!!! The pepsi was starting to make my teeth hurt... I cut down a can at a time. Now I cant handle the taste of pepsi!!! You are doing right, just start weening yourself off...
  • mmckee10
    mmckee10 Posts: 405 Member
    i used to be. mainly was addicted to sprite and ginger ale.

    for ginger ale, i started making my own ginger beer. that way i can control the sugar and even add in some cool yummy flavors like peach and strawberry

    for the sprite addiction i switched to hansen's soda (supposedly the sugar is healthier :laugh: ) and eventually to their diet soda (the mandarin lime is delicious) then i weaned (yes wean, don't judge me!) myself off of it completely.

    i'm so over it now that i have a 6 pack of hansen's in my cupboard that's been there a few weeks. used to be those babies wouldnt have made it 2 days

    peach/ strawberry ginger beer sounds sooooo good. did you find the recipe somewhere or did you come up with it on your own? i really want to try it :flowerforyou:
  • TundraTed
    TundraTed Posts: 254 Member
    I am a complete Dr Pepper addict. I just couldn't stomach the 150 calories a can any longer. I switched to Dr. Pepper Ten. It is still tasty and satisfies the cravings.
  • Hambone23
    Hambone23 Posts: 486 Member
    My boyfriend and I were total coke junkies. We could go through a 12-pack each over a weekend. I eventually switched to diet (go for the one's that don't taste /as/ diet-y as others: Coke Zero, Dr. Pepper 10, Diet Barq's--even my boyfriend says these aren't too bad and he hates diet coke). And you know what? I lost about 20 lbs. just taking that out of my diet.

    Then I weened myself off diet coke by getting flavored seltzer water (not the diet kind because it'd defeat the purpose), but it still gave me that carbonated feeling I missed. Eventually, I just figured why spend the money, got a Brita faucet attachment, and now I drink plain water most of the time. It's a process, but doable. I never thought I'd give up coke.

    One way to help reduce your intake is to buy those smaller cans or bottles that they've begun to come out with. I think they're 8 oz. instead of 12. But if you really want inspiration, then know that you absolutely will lose weight by simply taking regular coke out of your diet.
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    The chemicals in diet sodas aren't doing your body any favors, either. Though they are a good "gateway drug" to what you should be drinking, which is lots of water.

    Try getting those flavor packs you see everywhere, and try water with just a bit of flavoring (if it contains a little sugar, that's OK, just get yourself off the taste of super-sugary soda).

    Also consider the PRICE of the soda. What would you rather be spending your money on? Take the money you spend on soda today, and put it in a jar every week. Put a picture of what you want to buy with that money on the jar. Choose whether you want to spend that money on soda (by pulling it out of the jar) or save up for the item you want (by leaving it in the jar). By the time you buy what you want, the sweetness of soda will sicken you.
  • sweettthings
    sweettthings Posts: 157 Member
    My husband had a moderate soda "problem", he was drinking 2-4 cans of Coke a day. We decided to cut as many high fructose corn syrup products out of our diet as we could, so we started buying the imported Mexican Coke in the bottles since it is still made with real sugar (at least it usually is). The difference was night and day, the real sugar Cokes make you feel full after you've drunk 8-12 oz. and you don't want any more.
  • mwicklander87
    mwicklander87 Posts: 8 Member
    I switched to diet about two months ago...I still crave regular pop and I will admit I have one now and again. But statistics say you can drop ten pounds in a year by doing nothing but switching to diet or stop drinking the stuff altogether. I do know that diet really isn't any better for you and it actually increases your sweet tooth because artificial sweeteners are like a million times sweeter than sugar, but I can't live without my fizzy bubbles and I can't stand carbonated water.

    On the Doctor OZ show once he had like a four step plan to cut out pop and the first step was to switch to diet, then diet caffeine free or something, so at least its a step in the right direction. The worst culprit is when you are at a restaurant, most wait staff will fill your drink or bring you a new one before the other one is even finished, without realizing you could have drank four or five pops, that could be over 600 calories if you order regular!

    I hope you have success as you continue in your journey and remember no pop is good for you, but a little indulgence now and then isn't bad for you either! ;-)
  • grinch031
    grinch031 Posts: 1,679
    Never been addicted to soda, but drink diet soda pretty much every day. With regular soda, I can't stand the way the sugar seems to coat my mouth and teeth after drinking it. With diet, I don't get that effect, and also don't have to worry about how sugar may affect my health. The reason I drink soda at all is because I generally don't get thirsty when I'm sedentary. When I'm exercising, I get extremely thirsty and water is very appetizing, but when not thirsty and forcing myself to drink something, sweetened drinks get the job done.
  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    Ah, other things I've done to cut down on soda.

    With any soda other than the one first thing in the morning, if I want soda I make myself drink a 16oz glass of water first.

    I don't keep it in the fridge anymore. I only like it chilled, so if I really want one I have to go put one in the fridge and wait for it to chill. Sometimes I decide I didn't really want it that badly before it finishes chilling.
  • SwoneySC
    SwoneySC Posts: 6
    I had such a hard time switching to diet - but finally Coke Zero came out and by only having that (when I had a pop) and did this for about a month. By the end of the month I was switched over, but I still am careful to avoid regular pop - unlike some people, I still like the taste of it and I don't want to go back to drinking it all the time. I used to drink about 3-4 cans of Coke Zero a day, but now that I'm keeping track of everything here, I usually have only one or two. Baby stepping my way to better health! :)
  • kiminikimkim
    kiminikimkim Posts: 746 Member
    If you're going to switch to diet soda, be careful! Diet sodas prevent the absorption of calcium and magnesium in the body. Gastric bypass doctor had warned my friend but she is addicted also. Her hair is falling out, it is scary.
  • chicpeach
    chicpeach Posts: 302 Member
    I used to be a sodaholic too. Since I've been eating clean and drinking lots of water - I mean 8-10 glasses a day, I've lost my appetite for soda. I still have a six pack in the frig that I bought a couple of weeks ago out of habit, but I haven't felt the need to tap into it. I believe I've lost my taste for it and now desire the healthier, better things in life.
  • spynoodle
    spynoodle Posts: 404
    I HATE drinking my calories, so I have that on my side. I do wish I could cut out the diet soda though. I love the burn!!!
    Maybe you can switch to carbonated water w/ a splash of lemon?

    I want to invest in one of those Sodastream machines where you make your own, but it's $100 and I'm not 100% sure if it's worth it yet. I have a feeling in my case it would be.
  • DRBuchholz
    DRBuchholz Posts: 55 Member
    I am totally addicted to Mt Dew. Even with cutting back and stuff, I'm at about 3 cans a day (on a good day)! Other days it can be 6 to 8 cans. I'm having the same problem as you. I don't think it's the caffeine so much (though I do go through withdrawal). Rather it's the sweet, sugary taste that I crave. Diet just isn't the same. I'm hypoglycemic and for years I've managed it with tons of sugar instead of doing it the healthy way. I am currently trying to limit myself to 3 a day and trying to drink lots of water and tea in between. It helps to log it on my food diary because I see all the wasted calories!
  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,926 Member
    Went cold turkey about a year and 1/2 ago. I tried to go from regular to diet. Then I'd drink diet for awhile, then trip up and go back to regular. I just realized I didn't need it, and stopped drinking it all together. Now it's something I don't crave, I realized I was just drinking it to drink it. I drink water almost exclusively.
  • TeresaWash
    TeresaWash Posts: 283
    I just switched to water, and as unsatisfying as that is at first I NEVER drink pop anymore. Yesterday, a salesman was in, and a bunch of us used to flip coins and the loser would by pop for everyone. I took mine, cuz I thought a pop sounded good. Took one sip and it sat on my desk the rest of the day. It has totally lost its appeal to me. Tough habit to break. Good Luck!
  • Ahluvly
    Ahluvly Posts: 389 Member
    I used to have 1-2 Diet Cokes a day until I went to see a Nutritionist in January and she basically said, "I'd rather you have beer than Diet Coke, it's the work of the devil! It gives you no nutritional value and the caffeine and the Aspartame content will help you stay overweight!". I think I've had about 4 in the past 2 months. It does taste a bit odd having it now and within 20-30 mins my heart is pounding through my chest! My advice is to cut it out of your diet! Stick to natural drinks and decaf varieties!
  • chelledawg14
    chelledawg14 Posts: 509 Member
    I feel for ya! Up until January of this year, I was drinking about 48 oz of coca cola a day, always starting my day with a medium from Wendy's or McDonald's - and it had to be fountain drinks. Since 2009, I quit smoking & quit drinking alcohol and regular coke became my "thing" (along with gaining 70 lbs). For years, I was drinking diet coke but it started making me sick. I gradually worked down to 12 oz a day, then to caffeine free and now I can barely stand the taste of real coke or diet coke - like another poster (I'm sorry I can't remember who it was!) mentioned - coke zero now tastes normal to me. I'll let myself have at most have 12 ozs, but most times after I pour it or open it, I don't drink it. I only buy 2 litre bottles now and I pour it into a Pyrex measuring cup - I start out with 2 ounces and add a bunch of ice. It really does get easier if you stick with it. You also feel sooo much better when you don't drink it!! GOOD LUCK!!!!
  • butterflyliz32
    butterflyliz32 Posts: 124 Member
    I am a Dr Pepper junkie. About a month ago, I cut out all caffeine to see if it would help cut down on panic attacks. I have pretty much stuck to it (except for a Diet Cream Soda every few weeks, and then only one), which has taken Dr Pepper out of my life. I am surprised at how easy it was to kick after the first 3 or so days.

    I do find it difficult to find something that is both caffeine free and diet, especially at a drive-thru (which is about the only time I order one). Still working on that.
  • 202685tracy
    202685tracy Posts: 42 Member
    For those of you who are addicted to full sugar soda and who missed 60 minuteson Sunday. Should watch this link. One of the stories was about sugar toxicity!