HIIT training

Can i do a good HIIT training session using an elliptical trainer?

I hate using the treadmill! D:

i usually use the elliptical for 30 mins and burn 250 kcals, 3 times a week on average.

any suggestions of workouts would be great. thanks! [:


  • Martucha123
    Martucha123 Posts: 1,093 Member
    I do my gym HIIT sesion using elliptical.
    I warm up on level 5 (of 25)
    then I switch between level 25 and 3
    I think it's actually better than treadmill, because treadmill takes it time to go faster, and on elliptical you can go as fast as you can immediatly and up the level at the same time...

    I do my HIIT running up and down hills in the wild, or jumping rope at home or on elliptical at the gym...