Almond milk - how long does it last once opened?



  • knra_grl
    knra_grl Posts: 1,566 Member
    I wish they packaged it smaller. I only use 2-3 cups a week max.


    Earths Own Almond Milk - 3 pak of 250 ml cartons
  • Devpsych
    Devpsych Posts: 11 Member
    They are now selling the Almond Breeze in single serving cartons... Check at the grocery. its new.
  • jpolingo1
    jpolingo1 Posts: 1 Member
    They just want you to buy more product. Pour it in the glass, smell it, taste it. You will know, if it is OK. I bought a carton a month ago. Had a couple of glasses out of it and stored in the fridge. Took it out today. Good as ever. People need to take a little initiative and do it themselves once in a while. The EXPERTS are not always experts
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