Poolside Cherry Pom-arita

HealthierMamasita Posts: 1,126 Member

entire recipe: 105 calories, 0g fat, 45mg sodium, 2.5g carbs, 0g fiber, 0.5g sugars, 0g protein = 2 Points)

You don't NEED to be sitting by a pool to sip this fruity cocktail, but it's certainly more fun that way!

1.5 oz. tequila
4 oz. Diet 7UP (or another diet lemon-lime soda)
1 tbsp. fresh lime juice
1/2 packet Crystal Light On The Go Immunity Cherry Pomegranate drink mix
ice cubes (for serving)

Place tequila, soda and lime juice in a glass. Empty half of the flavor packet into glass, and stir well to combine. Pour over ice and enjoy! Serves 1.

HG Tip: Can't locate Cherry Pomegranate Crystal Light? Experiment with your favorite flavor found on supermarket shelves!