I thought I could never lose weight...but I am..thanks to MF

28.8 lbs gone and 13 lbs from my goal! (PICS)First I want to say, I have the most AWESOME MFP friends ever!! You guys are so supportive and are a huge reason why I keep doing this every day. I have been more motivated by your stories, than I ever was doing it alone, and for that, I thank you. In February of 2012 I went to my health professional at work for an annual check up. She told me at that time that I was overweight and should "consider making a change." Tears stung my eyes when she said that. I mean to tell a girl, in so many nice words, that she is fat, is heart breaking. But like mama says, "the truth hurts," and I WAS FAT. It wasn't even about just being fat though; I live on the third floor of my apartment and would literally get light headed going up them sometimes. I have a little dog too, that deserves good exercise, that I just didn't have the energy to give. When I got on the scale at that appointment I weighed 210 lbs! yes! I am 5'2 and I weight TWO HUNDRED TEN lbs! By the time I started my journey (february, appt. was in december) I had gained another 1.8 lbs! So my starting weight was 211.8 lbs! So I decided to do something about it. At first I tried a diet, and it worked, but I just wasn't satisfied with it. My sister had been begging me to joing my fitness pal (thanks by the way) for months, and I finally logged on. After about the second week of doing it I got serious. No more "half way logging." I log everything I eat and do. And I love it.
Here is me about 6 months ago...



Here I am as of last weekend:



If I can lose wait I PROMISE YOU CAN!! I had no determination. Of course I still have a long way to go, but I hope this helps someone :)


  • JoolieW68
    JoolieW68 Posts: 1,879 Member
    Absolutely beautiful! :flowerforyou:
  • Toddrific
    Toddrific Posts: 1,114 Member
    nice job =)
  • brickhouse76
    Wow, you look fab!
  • connie_messina
    connie_messina Posts: 495 Member
    i feel the same way mfp did it for me for some reason! u look amazing sweety you inspire me to keep going!!
  • Slice1
    Slice1 Posts: 193 Member
    You look fabulous! Congrats!
  • Init_to_winit
    Init_to_winit Posts: 258 Member
    Woohoo! Keep it up! You're doing so amazing! This is such a difficult journey but the important thing to remember is this isn't a temporary thing, we're changing our entire LIVES! We will be the fit healthy women we deserve to be! So proud of you!
  • im_blessed
    im_blessed Posts: 74 Member
    Proud of you girl! & you look great!!
  • alaina216
    alaina216 Posts: 103
    Way to go Girl!!!! Keep up the great work :)
  • mariea_bo
    mariea_bo Posts: 78 Member
    Very nice progress! I am motivated to stay on track. Thanks for sharing.
  • branditabonita
    branditabonita Posts: 30 Member
    Very nice progress! I am motivated to stay on track. Thanks for sharing.
    I am glad u are! U can do it!
  • branditabonita
    branditabonita Posts: 30 Member
    Thanks amy ur the best girl!
  • AleksD3
    AleksD3 Posts: 194 Member
    You look great! I'm 5"3 and starting at about 216 pounds so this really speaks to me!
  • beachdiva2010
    beachdiva2010 Posts: 180 Member
    Fantastic sweetheart!!!! Keep up the great work!!
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