New from the UK

Hi everyone :smile:

I have only just discovered this site (what a find this was!). I turned 40 last year and when I had to go up to a size 20 jeans at Christmas I decided enough was enough. Slowly I started shifting myself off the sofa and roped a friend into helping me get moving again, and I also started joining my husband on bike rides.

Three months in I am now cycling 20 miles, swimming, running (not as much as I am still very heavy and find it really difficult at the moment). About a month ago I also started being really careful about what I eat and I'm enjoying eating really healthily rather than following some rigid diet plan. I have done slimming world in the past and lost 3 and a half stone but then I put 5 back on!! SW was great for me then but once I stopped following it properly I piled it back on (and then some).

I hope to meet some like-minded friends on here so please feel free to "friend" me.

Good luck to everyone on their journey :happy: