CHIA SEED energy!



  • My favorite way to eat chia seeds: I spread my morning whole wheat bagel with whipped cream cheese, warm in microwave, then sprinkle 1 tablespoon of chia seeds on top of the cream cheese. Eat bagel with fresh strawberries and OH MY GOOOOODNESS that is some good stuff! Btw the bagel has only 150 cals and 36 carb with 14g protein and 19g fiber!
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    I met a woman at the gym a few years ago who was selling those things -- you know like AMWAY, only it was a CHIA pyramid ha. She gave me a free bag and then called me constantly OMG.

    That stuff tasted bad and caused severe bloating for me. Energy? not so much.

    MILA: The Miracle Seed. no thanks.
  • HiKaren
    HiKaren Posts: 1,306 Member

    I like em with chocolate soymilk. Stir it up, let em soak for a while. Yummie.:wink: And if you put them in a glass of bolthouse farms green goodness, green smoothie, its pretty good. Its like a little green pond with chia polywogs in there. And they kinda pop and crunch & get slimey. I let them soak up a little bit. Thanks for the reminder.. I didn't have any today yet. I just got some chocolate soymilk too. Some people I think throw them in salads, and over crunchy cereal. I want to try them that way. Thanks for all the info on your message.

    Enjoy the seeds!:wink:
  • L8dyJ
    L8dyJ Posts: 103 Member
    Thanks for this helpful info...
  • TheDevastator
    TheDevastator Posts: 1,626 Member
    Facts: “While chia seeds may be a good source of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), humans poorly convert ALA to the very long, highly unsaturated fatty acids that are cardioprotective,” says Dr. Donald B. Jump, a researcher at the Linus Pauling Institute. That is, your body needs to make the fatty acids EPA and DHA out of alpha-linolenic acid in order for it to be worth anything.

    If you had read the rest of the article it says: He found that in women eating Mila, the body was able to convert ALA to EPA at unusually high levels. Sweet! But, it’s still unclear whether this is a benefit of all chia seeds, or just Mila Chia Seeds, since there’s no way for you to know which of these strains other brands are using.

    If you want the most nutrition out of your chia seeds soak them for at least 3-4 hours and blend them. This will activate the enzymes and allow more nutrients to be absorbed. The problem with seeds is that they can go right through you without being digested if not blended.