How do you stay Motivated!?!?!?

How is everyone maintaining their motivation and energy to make it to the gym every day and to give it a 100%??!?!
Sometimes it is so difficult to motivate myself to go after work; I feel beat from the day and just want to go home and take a nap!!

I have been overcoming this almost by force, but I feel like I need a better way and an energy boost of some sort.

What do you do to keep going!?!


  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    Well, for starters, don't go every day. I do 2 days on, one day off. Do you track your food and eat back your exercise calories? For ME, eating back those calories is awesome motivation. I get to eat more if I work out. Gradually, after months of working out, I now miss my workouts if I don't have them. Until this past week or two. I am feeling so tired and lazy lately. Still working out because I want the food though.
  • marbit
    marbit Posts: 108
    What a timely post. I was just thinking this morning how unmotivated I was feeling. I have been trying to get 40 minutes of elliptical in a day, and then 1/2 hour of running in every other day, and then doing strength training for different muscles every day. In truth, I am feeling a bit worn down and beat. I take a day off every week (never a set day, just "a day when I just cant do it"). I hit 136 last week, I was so excited, and then was back up today at 139.....So to be honest I am feeling PRETTY unmotivated. I know this feeling will pass, but man is it taking its time.

    In terms of how I stay motivated when I am not feeling so down, I usually try really hard not to think about it, just to do it. I think I do it your way, through sheer force of will. I would like a better way though if someone else has one.
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym Posts: 5,573 Member
    for myself, I set goals with dates, i.e. I have a fitness competition on September 15th and a photoshoot sometime before that. In order to be on target make those dates, I know I have to hit it hard.

    I also don't go every day. I try for 5-6 days a week. Rest is as important as working out and nutrition.
  • kekl
    kekl Posts: 382 Member
    Music music and MUSIC. I love music but the gym is the only place I really listen to a lot of it. I'm always switching up the playlist on my Ipod. It really helps!
  • TitanGM
    TitanGM Posts: 1,161 Member
    There are a lot of ways.
    I like to see fitness or bodybuilding videos to up my motivation. I read some nutrition or workout related articles. I envision my body the way I want it to be, so it gives me a real push to go for it. I want to be the best I can be, and I will always keep that in mind, and always focus on the reward a good look and health brings.
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    I have to motivate myself each and every day. Some days it is easy, some days, not so much. I also hang up clothes on my wall that I am close to fitting into to help.
  • thechubner
    thechubner Posts: 94 Member
    I stay motiviated by always keeping my work out fresh. I take a zumba class twice a week (with 2 different instructors) they both are always changing up the routines / music to keep it fun and original. I do work out tapes on my lunch break with some girls from work and we will fall into a routine for a time, but when we start getting bored with one someone always brings in something new. A couple of the girls own a whole library of fun fitness dvds. I talked to the instructors at the gym (asked for fitness advice etc) I think when I'm aquainted with the instructors and they know me and look forward to seeing me in class it motivates me to go. The biggest thing for me about going to the gym after work is I CANNOT go home first. I keep a bag with clothes and shoes in my trunk while I work because if I need to go home first I simply won't go. Good luck and hang in there! It's a tough journey to lose weight but definitely worth it.
    FITnFIRM4LIFE Posts: 818 Member
    Goals-My jeans-mirrors:-) And being fit feels Great!
  • Lyra89
    Lyra89 Posts: 674 Member
    I log my work out here before I actually do it...I log a long walk, 30 day shred OR 20 mins on my mini-trampoline plus ten minutes of a youtube pilates or yoga dvd...

    I started doing this because I realised that when I pre-log my meals, I ALWAYS stick to my diary and only eat what I've logged.

    Same works for exercise, for me any way :smile:
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    Keep short term and long term goals.

    I'll have goals for the week or even for a given workout, and those lead into my longer term goals for the entire year or even the next 4-5 years.

    I think keeping a log or page of your goals is the best motivation. I like to keep track of mine and when I achieved them. That way if I'm feeling down on myself or unmotivated, I can look at goals I've already reached, and remember why I set these other goals
  • CharlieBarleyMom
    CharlieBarleyMom Posts: 727 Member
    A little is just sheer force. A bit is coming onto the forums and seeing other people's success stories which makes me know it can be done. A bit is my own success thus far. Another part is my friends here on MFP, I motivate them and as I motivate them they motivate me. And then another part of it is the added food I get to eat when I exercise. I LOVE food. I like to have as many calories as I can, which makes me want to exercise for at least 200 calories, shooting for 300+ though.

    All of those things roll into me to motivate me... and it works MOST days. Some days I just can't bother and I do something else. Definitely not even once a week does this happen, but I've been here for almost a year so I'm sure its happened at least 10 times!
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym Posts: 5,573 Member
    I log my work out here before I actually do it...I log a long walk, 30 day shred OR 20 mins on my mini-trampoline plus ten minutes of a youtube pilates or yoga dvd...

    I started doing this because I realised that when I pre-log my meals, I ALWAYS stick to my diary and only eat what I've logged.

    Same works for exercise, for me any way :smile:

    that works for me, too. I feel like if I put it out there, then I have to do it, or else my word is no good. Yea, I'm strange that way, lol.
  • karendsmith
    karendsmith Posts: 167
    switch up your work out routines, don't do the same thing all the time. Also, I only go to the gym 3-4 times a week, on the days I dont go, I make sure I do something like take a nice brisk walk, do some jumping jacks at home, get a jump rope, all are good calorie burners and it keeps it simple and different so you don't feel so burned out from doing the same routine day after day...
  • karendsmith
    karendsmith Posts: 167
    I stay motiviated by always keeping my work out fresh. I take a zumba class twice a week (with 2 different instructors) they both are always changing up the routines / music to keep it fun and original. I do work out tapes on my lunch break with some girls from work and we will fall into a routine for a time, but when we start getting bored with one someone always brings in something new. A couple of the girls own a whole library of fun fitness dvds. I talked to the instructors at the gym (asked for fitness advice etc) I think when I'm aquainted with the instructors and they know me and look forward to seeing me in class it motivates me to go. The biggest thing for me about going to the gym after work is I CANNOT go home first. I keep a bag with clothes and shoes in my trunk while I work because if I need to go home first I simply won't go. Good luck and hang in there! It's a tough journey to lose weight but definitely worth it.
  • akiramezu
    akiramezu Posts: 278
    For me ... I believe that humans as individuals have the potential to be the best that
    they can physically and mentally possibly be.
    Because who are we, if we are not the best that we can be?
    We would be just another number on this planet
    Just another person ...
    I want to be able to be recognized
    I want to be awed
    I want to be looked up to
    I want to be the best
    I don't want to be mediocre, plain and just average
    Because honestly, I would rather die than be just average
    So i stay home on the weekends and i train while my friends are out
    So i wake up in the morning at 6am and gym before people are even awake
    So i come home from classes and train again at 5pm
    So i train 4 hours a day, 7 days a week
    For what? Because I want to be the best that I can be
    And it sucks
    My body Aches, I'm hungry and i'm in pain
    But it's a sacrifice I'm willing to make
    To be known, to be the best, to fulfill a dream
    To live a life and be greater than everyone else
    And that's what drives me,
    the motive of not being like everyone else
    the motive of being the best that I can be
    Because as humans, we are so capable of many great things
    Our bodies are amazing machines, capable of the unthinkable
    As humans, we are also capable of the unthinkable
    So why settle for second best
    Why settle down for being plain and average
    What kind of life is that to live
    Sometimes I just want to quit and give up
    I just want to sleep off the pain and the hunger
    I just want to tell myself 'stop it, no more'
    But I don't, because one of these days
    Everyone shall remember my name
    And that is my reason, as selfish as it may be.
    So you have to as yourself "WHY DO I DO THIS?"
    Dig deep down inside of you and figure out why you do
    And honestly, that's the only motivation that you need

    - Akira
  • karendsmith
    karendsmith Posts: 167
    I stay motiviated by always keeping my work out fresh. I take a zumba class twice a week (with 2 different instructors) they both are always changing up the routines / music to keep it fun and original. I do work out tapes on my lunch break with some girls from work and we will fall into a routine for a time, but when we start getting bored with one someone always brings in something new. A couple of the girls own a whole library of fun fitness dvds. I talked to the instructors at the gym (asked for fitness advice etc) I think when I'm aquainted with the instructors and they know me and look forward to seeing me in class it motivates me to go. The biggest thing for me about going to the gym after work is I CANNOT go home first. I keep a bag with clothes and shoes in my trunk while I work because if I need to go home first I simply won't go. Good luck and hang in there! It's a tough journey to lose weight but definitely worth it.
    ok I tried to respond to this incorrectly but, anyway, I agree, I can never go home first, I also keep a gym bag in my car so I go right from work to gym before home...I love the idea of the workouts during lunch break, sounds like a great idea!!!
  • roodledoodle
    Some days are harder than others, depending on my mood. I workout before going to work so that I know it's done for they day, if I ever have to do my workout after work it always feels like much more of a struggle. If ever I don't feel like working out I always think about how I will feel having missed the workout and know that I would feel really let down by myself and then I think about how good I will feel once I've done it and what an achievement i would of made! Sometimes it's just the thought that I don't want to give up, don't want to let myself down that keeps me going and I guarantee that everytime I've done some exercise when I've not been feeling like it I feel great afterwards and I try and hold onto that thought.

    keep up the good work - you're doing great!
  • lsapphire
    lsapphire Posts: 297 Member
    I don't go to the gym. I work 12 hour shifts and it isn't possible for me. I did no exercise of any kind when I started. I now walk 20-30 minutes 3-4 times a week and find I enjoy it. Every little bit is an improvement and a step closer to a healthy lifestyle and it is all about changing for the better.
  • ElHombre23
    ElHombre23 Posts: 126 Member
    Motivation is tricky...I suggest doing some soul searching figure out where you are and where your headed. Revaluate your goals. Scale back on the gym a bit, you may be overdoing it and need a break.
  • nmullins81
    nmullins81 Posts: 35 Member
    I have a group of girl friends that made a group on Facebook and most of us are on here. We are all trying to lose weight with different reasons behind it, but we are all encouraging each other. We make each other "feel guilty" if we don't work out- nothing bad, just sort of that disappointment that you let your friends down. Like today I feel super guilty that I did not run (it was pouring down rain and lightening like a mo-fo) so I will have my butt out tomorrow morning doing my run (weather permitting).