Newbie Here!

Hi everyone! My name is Jenni and I'm 26 years old. I live in VA. I have been fighting with weight loss (and gain) for years thanks to PCOS. About 4 years ago I lost 25 lbs and I've been stuck there for a while. I recently lost 20 more lbs but I've gained 10 back. :grumble: Anyway, here I am! I'm working to lose the rest of this weight! I'm about 20 lbs away from my goal weight!!! I've been eating low carb (my way) but I'm focused more on calories this time around. And I'm starting to RUN! I haven't ran in probably close to 10 years. But I ran a mile yesterday!! Yep. That's right. A MILE!!!

Anyway, I'm excited about this. Yesterday was HUGE for me! :)


  • LubyLu89
    LubyLu89 Posts: 10
    I'm a newbie and also a fellow PCOS sufferer. Congrats on the wieght loss so far. :0)
  • You all can feel free to add me.... MFP definitely works!