NSV: Young ladies...do not be afraid of turning 40

mslack01 Posts: 823 Member
I turned 40 back in November. And I can successfully say that I feel better than I did in the whole decade of my 30's and I feel just as hot as I did in my 20's. Yes! I said Hot! :) My body is getting back to that shape I had then, with a few lines and a battle scar for character. But I am more comfortable in my own skin now, and gaining confidence everyday, and I still see male heads turn my way when I am in the car or walking by. But best of all, I'm not worried about looking good to find a man because I don't need to. I have one. But even if I didn't have one, I would be content, happy, and fulfilled.

Just yesterday, I took my daughter to a doctor and it had been three weeks since we were last there. Both the receptionist and her doctor told me I looked great and asked what I was doing. This is a major research hospital too where they see tons of people daily. Wow! That made me feel good.


  • Hambone23
    Hambone23 Posts: 486 Member
    Congrats on your success! It's awesome when a doctor actually comments on your weight loss instead of telling you to lose weight.

    But I'm inching up on 40 (my goal is not to be fat by 40), and I have to admit that I'm starting to feel extremely old. It's going to be a rough turning point for me, I think. So it's great to hear your positive encouragement. Thanks!
  • LeslieMDoyle
    LeslieMDoyle Posts: 162 Member
    Okay, 40 is when I finally decided to DO SOMETHING about my life. I had a job I didn't love. I was raising an out of control teenager. But at 40, my son had moved out (and was cleaning up some things in his life too.) I was looking to change jobs finally. And I started spending more time with my girlfriends. I also refocused on who I really wanted to be...a better me.

    40 was BY FAR, my BEST year. That epiphany was a year and a half ago. I'm 41 now and still working on being that better me. But thank God for 40! It totally changed my outlook on my life for the better!
  • jcpmoore
    jcpmoore Posts: 796 Member
    Way to go! I'm coming up on 40 myself in September. I'll be honest, I don't see it. I don't feel old and I don't feel much wiser than when I was 22, tbh. I'm hoping to be lighter then, but we'll see what happens. :)

    Congratulations on your success!
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    40's Rock!!!!! Have no fear! ;)
  • sammys1girly
    sammys1girly Posts: 1,045 Member
    I agree! While I was super fit back in high school, after college and babies, my 30's left me feeling out of shape and
    out of energy. Now that my kids are all in school, I am 41 and feeling more entergetic and in shape than I've felt since
    high school! Also I have more self confidence than I had back in my 20's. Yay for 40!:happy:
  • aklitten
    aklitten Posts: 237 Member
    Way to rock it, you should be so proud of all that you're doing! Keep it up!!
  • I LOVE this post! I agree 100%. Although I am not where I need/want to be I am so much more in control and comfortable with my body than I have ever been. Good for you for posting this!!! You look great! :smile:
  • Angelabec
    Angelabec Posts: 505 Member
    I turn 40 in 15 months time and I am determined to be at my goal by then. I find it quite hard to believe though, I don't feel any different to being in my twenties, except have a bit more self belief and respect now.

    Good luck to you all :flowerforyou:
  • I turn 40 in September also. When I turned 30 I decided to do something out of my norm. I got a tattoo. Couldn't decide what to do for 40. I decided to do a bunch of things that make me feel good, losing weight, taking up jogging, giving blood for the first time, donating my hair to Locks of Love. It's amazing how doing the little things really make you feel energized. 40 is looking brighter all the time.
  • laughingirl71
    laughingirl71 Posts: 51 Member
    Word on the street....40 is the new 20. I think all those big milestones, 20, 30, 40 can be a challenge, and an opportunity to reassess and move towards a better future. All in how we look at them. I'm heading toward 42, and plan to have some food and relationship issues under control by that birthday!
  • JennC831
    JennC831 Posts: 628 Member
    Great NSV!!!
  • chicpeach
    chicpeach Posts: 302 Member
    Here's a secret: 50s are fabulous! Don't be afraid of the big 5-0 either. No matter what age you are, you can be active and healthy and look great. All it takes is a healthy diet and getting enough regular exercise whether you're on a diet or not.
  • Leigh_D
    Leigh_D Posts: 356 Member
    I just turned 40 in March and I am SO EXCITED about my 40's! It just keeps getting better and better -- I feel like a fully realized person reaching the top of her powers. A lot of it has to do with me taking charge of my fitness and being responsible for my health. That accountability and responsibility is having a ripple effect into all areas of my life.

    Angelabec, I started myfitnesspal in January last year, when I too was 15 months away from 40. My goal was 140 by 40, and while I didn't make that particular number, I still weighed in SEVENTY FIVE pounds lighter on my Birthday. YOU CAN DO IT!
  • karendsmith
    karendsmith Posts: 167
    Well all I can say is the 40's were and are my best years yet! I am 49 and next year will be reaching th 5-0 ! (that scares me a bit) But anyway, for most of us in our 40's, the kids are growing up, in school, having a bit of their own little social lives, which leaves us with some much needed "me time". We are more mature, focused and wiser! With that being said, the 40's are great, still young enough to get out there, yet old enough to reach our goals! lets go 40's !!!!!
  • Sh0ewh0re7_BlingItOn
    Sh0ewh0re7_BlingItOn Posts: 501 Member
    it's all about how you look, feel, and take care of yourself! Who cares about age?! :) Congrats hon!!!
  • formerpyt
    formerpyt Posts: 56
    It's a number, don't sweat it. I like to say that some days I feel like I'm 70 and other days I feel like I'm 17, so it all evens out.
  • archgrrrl
    archgrrrl Posts: 62
    That 4-0 on my horizon isn't looking so scary now! Thanks! :)
  • I am so ready. In a little over a month I will be there and so excited. Fabulous and Forty!!!
  • Amandac6772
    Amandac6772 Posts: 1,311 Member
    In two months and three days I'll be 40. I won't make my original goal but I will be close. 30 was very hard for me but for some reason I'm not dreading 40.
  • cpiton
    cpiton Posts: 380 Member
    Everyone told me turning 40 would be tough. I remember waiting for the depression that everyone said would come with that day. I'm 41 now and here to tell you that day never came. I feel awesome! I loved my 30's sooo much more than my 20's and I love my 40's even more! 41 is my new favorite age...until I hit 42, of course. Age is a number, for sure. I see 20 somethings who seem more aged than me and I've got a 90 year old friend who makes me look like I'm standing still (she STILL works out!).

    OP: Congrats on the compliments from the doctor's office. It's always nice when someone notices hard work.

    Any female 40+ (or anywhere close to it!) who feels positive about her age, feel free to add me. :flowerforyou:
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