The Daily HEET...June Thread...Open to Everyone!



  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Hi Heeters- How is everyone? Sorry I've been MIA . I've been plugging away with my exercise and eating well. I'm walking 4-5 miles a day, swimming most days for 2 hours and doing my upper body strength training twice a week. I started the 100 sit ups challenge and the 200 squat challenge this week so I've been doing squats and pushups too. :smile: I'm still loving this way of life. :smile: I hope everyone is having a great day- ttfn- Cindy :heart:
  • hazelmichling
    HELLO HEETERS! This MIA person has finally found the new thread and is back. 3lb.s heavier, sad to say.

    I have come to realize that since I have stopped logging and exercising, my healthy lifestyle sort of went out the window. But, now that I have found the June thread (now that half the month is gone), I hope to get down to business and start up again.

    Cindy, I am sooo happy for you. You have found your new lifestyle and doing soooo good at it. You are indeed,quite the example of what i need to follow.

    Today I went to a friend's to help her with her babysitting her two sons and 2 nephews and a niece. It was fun. Unfortunately with the storm, they couldn't play out and so our activities was limited. She mentioned she would like to take the children to the pool in the afternoons so I am volunteering to tag along to help her with the little kiddies. If I don't get myself moving, their running me ragged will help, don't you agree? They are sooo full of energy I wish I could just learn how I can extract some of that for myself. lol.

    I will work towards a goal of 5 lb loss for the month of June. Then come July I really need to crack down and work harder.

    Will post again tomorrow. Nice to see Bryce, Debbie, Callie and all the newbies on. Looking forward to seeing you all again soon.... real soon.

    TTFN. Hazel
  • hazelmichling
    Interesting..... I fixed a big crockpot of pinto beans too. Do you think that is a Texas thing? Enjoy.
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Hi Team- Hazel- so great to hear from you ! I love all things beans. I always thought is was a West Virginia thing since my grandma from W.V taught me how to make them. :heart: They are super yummy and oh so healthy. :heart: Boy, I know what you mean about little ones and their energy. I spent 2 hours at the pool with a bunch of little ones and I'm beat. :smile: I'm making turkey taco salad for dinner and later on I'll walk 2.5 miles. I was afraid for all of you MIA gals. I was afraid you all might be getting off the healthy lifestyle and possibly gaining what you've lost. I'm so glad you found the thread and are ready to get back to business. :flowerforyou: I'm going to go fold some laundry- ttfn- Cindy :heart:
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Hi team- How is everyone? I hope you all are having a great weekend. I weigh in tomorrow and I hope to hit a milestone. I'll let ya all know tomorrow. I did my 4 mile watp workout ,swam for 45 minutes and did my 2 mile walk today. I hope to spend a couple hours in the pool tomorrow as well as walk. Check in and let me know how you all are doing. I so miss everyone. ttfn- Cindy :heart:
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Hi Heeters- I had weigh in this morning and I'm down 4 pounds. I woke up with a headache so no am walking for me. I hope to get to the pool tonight and I'll walk 2 miles tonight too. I did do my upper body strength training while I was watching Slum Dog Millionaire. That is a great movie. I've got a pork loin with some bbq sauce simmering in the crockpot right now. That plus baked potatoes will be dinner. I hope everyone is having a super great day! Cindy :heart:
  • lucyfan2009
    Hi's me Lucy. I'm sure those that know who I am are shocked and amazed...:smile: Matt has finally graduated and his Open House was this past Saturday...all the family is gone and we have our house back totally after having been "invaded" for about 15 days. What a mess to clean up!

    Now I can finally get myself in I've been out of "me gear" for quite some time. :grumble:

    Anyway, I wanted to check in and I hope to be able to do this daily now. We are now playing the waiting game for Matt to ship out in August/September sometime. I want this summer to be his fun one before walking straight into adulthood.

    Anyway, talk to you all later!

    Lucy xxoo
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Welcome back Lucy !!!!! :flowerforyou: I have missed ya. :smile: I'm so happy everthing with Matt went well . They grow up way to fast. :cry: It seems like yesterday my 10 year old was a baby. Ok team- I am doing 5 miles of walking every day now. We swim almost every day for 2 hours. I do strength training upper body 3 days a week . I also do 100 squats and 60-75 pushups 3 days a week. I am noticing that all the weight work and squats are working. I'm losing tons of inches as well as 2-3 pounds most weeks. I love this way of life. :heart: I am making turkey taco salad for dinner. I am also making a strawberry cake made with 1 can of diet strawberry pop. Ok team- Off to the pool we go. ttfn- Cindy :heart:
  • hazelmichling
    Hi Cindy, Debbie and Lucy! My gosh! It seems like I have been gone forever!!!! Cindy your new picture looks wonderful and congratulations on all your hard work and weight and inches loss. I think soon you will be able to be my personal trainer. LOL.

    I have gone out the door walking for two days now and that is my new goal to walk every day. I have gone out early morning and it has been cool enough with a slight breeze blowing. Very nice.

    Cindy, I enjoy reading what all you are doing. You go girl. Wish I was as young as you to have all that energy but unfortunately that is never to be. I will have to do what I can for myself and reading your posts are very inspirational. keep it up.

    Welcome back Lucy. Sure have missed you gal. I am so happy all went so well with Matt's graduation and party. Enjoy him while he is still at home this summer. it will be hard to see him go, but I know this is what he wants and we appreciate his desire to serve. Will look forward to your posts again now that your company's gone.

    Debbie, how is the remodeling going? Garden doing well I am sure and you reaping the benefit of healthy fresh veggie eating. What a great lifestyle! I haven't done any gardening and looks like that is out the window for me this year.

  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    H Team- Hi Hazel :flowerforyou: It's great to hear from you ! Great job on your walking. I know that walking is a great exercise. Very underated in my opinion. I just got back from my morning 3 miles. Thanks for the encouraging words Hazel. Ya know whats funny? I was telling my husband the other day after I get to my goal weight and stay there a year I want to launch a personal weight loss /training program . I know schooling is involved and I'm ready to do whatever it takes. Today is my second week day 2 of my push up and squat challenges. 53 push ups and 96 squats for me today. I hope to swim a couple hours too. I hope everyone has a great day. Cindy :heart:
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Hi Team- How is everyone? Is anyone even out there ?? My week has been going great. Lots of walking, swimming , weight training, squats, push ups. I peeked at the scale this morning and I have a good loss this week too. :smile: It's raining here today. I hope to get 2 miles in outside and swim some. I hope it clears up so I can. I hope everyone is doing great. Cindy :heart:
  • hazelmichling
    hey Cindy.... yes, I am here today. Have been busy trying to get my walks in the morning. But then I got some sad news of a former co-worker passing and I got side tracked. Also one of my good friends is in ICU so have been running up to the hospital to visit her. She is a very sick lady.
    Went on a road trip this past weekend to south Texas and had a great time with family and meeting new friends. After a 6 hour straight driving home, we were wiped out, and then I got more bad news. A dear frined lost her daughter to a vehicle accident and she was like a daughter and big sister to my daughter so talk about being filled with grief, it has been a very hard few days here. But with God's grace and mercy, we will make it through.
    Walking has been it for my exercising but not doing as well as I would like with these interferences in mind set. I will get back next month. :smile:
    Congratulations on your new goals and I know you can do whatever you set your mind on. This has been evident in the past months that I have gotten to know you through your posting. Keep it up, gal! you can do it. And, congratulations on your weight loss.
    TTFN. Hazel
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Oh Hazel, I'm so very sorry for your losses. You all will be in my prayers. I lost 4 pounds last week. I broke the 300 pound mark. I weighed in yesterday at 296. I'm so happy! I love my new exercise routine. Eddie is napping now and when he wakes up we'll head to the pool. I walked 3 miles this morning and I'll walk 2 more tonight. Oh and day 1 week 3 of my challenges. 108 squats and 72 pushups. :smile: I hope some of our other members show up soon. I just don't know if our group can keep going the way it is now. I'm debating on whether to start a July thread when it's time. I belong to several other groups now and the people post every day.I love this group but I'm very disheartened by the loss of participation. Have a great day- Cindy :heart:
  • hazelmichling
    Hi Cindy,
    What a glorious HOT day today is already.
    Now, you have such a great thing going and CONGRATULATIONS on breaking your 300 mark. Way to go! How I wish I was younger and would like to be as active as you. Working on my 5 lb goaln for this month.
    Regarding the thread for July, I understand if you don't want to do it. It is disheartening when there isn't much postings. Before you leave this thread, let me know what other group you are on and maybe I can find you there. Sure would hate to lose the friendship with you.
    Going for my weigh in this AM. So much going on in my life right now I need all the concentration I can get to keep them all straight. It is heck to grow old :sad:
    Have a great productivre day, Cindy. I'll check back later.
    TTFN. Hazel
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Good morning Hazel :flowerforyou: You bet it's a hot one. I jst came in from my AM 3 miles a few minutes ago. I will keep in touch with you no matter what. I don't want to lose our friendship either. Good luck on your weigh in. I have my upper body strength training today and I hope to swim 2 hours and I will walk 2 more miles tonight. I am hoping to get to the mall sometime this afternoon and try to find shoes that don't hurt my feet when I do my walking. I'm having the worst luck with shoes. It's so frustrating. Hazel my friend age is a state of mind. I am 36 and I still feel 18. lol- :laugh: Just keep eating healthy foods and drinking that water. Try to do some form of exercise every day. You can do it !! Have a great day !!! Cindy :heart:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good morning Hazel :flowerforyou: You bet it's a hot one. I jst came in from my AM 3 miles a few minutes ago. I will keep in touch with you no matter what. I don't want to lose our friendship either. Good luck on your weigh in. I have my upper body strength training today and I hope to swim 2 hours and I will walk 2 more miles tonight. I am hoping to get to the mall sometime this afternoon and try to find shoes that don't hurt my feet when I do my walking. I'm having the worst luck with shoes. It's so frustrating. Hazel my friend age is a state of mind. I am 36 and I still feel 18. lol- :laugh: Just keep eating healthy foods and drinking that water. Try to do some form of exercise every day. You can do it !! Have a great day !!! Cindy :heart:

    Cindy try to find some extra dept shoes and get some good inserts to go with them. I am a diabectic and my insurance pays for most of mine. I get a new pair and 2 new inserts once a year. I wear mine all the time. Dr. Comfort carries a good one. I usally end up buying an extra pair at least once a year, He should be on the internet. They hold up real well. Marie

    Here is the web site to find who has them in you zip code.You don't have to be a diabetic to wear them. As much walking as you do you could bennefit from them.
  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    Hi Heeters, good to see you and all your progress Cindy, Lucy, Hazel and the newbies. It has been a busy time for us, aside from the remodeling, which currently has us at a standstill. My hubby's uncle has been in and out of the hospital so lots of living in the fast lane and running here and there and juggling the everyday duties and emotions that run high.

    I miss all of you, and would like to report a positive in the area of weight loss, but just seem to be holding my own. I figure things will settle down soon and the goals I had will we sought for once again, as I truly believe we can't give up and everything happens in its own time. I do so admire your spirits and great success that confirms that you are on your way to a healthier happier YOU!!!!!

    What an inspiration you all are and do Keep Up the GOOD WORK.

    Love and Prayers to All,