New try

kbl327 Posts: 11 Member
edited September 18 in Introduce Yourself
Arthritis pain and constant sweating led me to give something another try. Thought it might be worth approaching it like I have approached debt. Look at it straight in the eye. Keep track of it. Be honest with myself.


  • kbl327
    kbl327 Posts: 11 Member
    Arthritis pain and constant sweating led me to give something another try. Thought it might be worth approaching it like I have approached debt. Look at it straight in the eye. Keep track of it. Be honest with myself.
  • Eve23
    Eve23 Posts: 2,352 Member
    Good for you. All I can say is do a little everyday and things will come. The longer you work on it the easier it is. I often have to change my intentions if I begin to start hurting to much. I am just not able to ignore it. So when I can I do even if it is just a lap or so around the local track. I live in an area with lots of hills and don't care to do those just yet :). Good luck.
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