Am I doing something wrong?



  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Set calories 20% below TDEE and only eat back if you fall below BMR.


    See the link on my profile.
  • wxchaser
    wxchaser Posts: 178
    4 days is not enough time to see any solid results other than maybe in gaining some energy and feeling better. To really see results, figure your correct calorie intake, stick with your exercise plan and be consistent with the whole thing for at least one month (probably more). Your body takes time to adjust to new things. Be patient, it will happen :flowerforyou:

    I have SOOOO much more energy. It's pretty crazy. I literally have to force myself to go to bed. Last night I managed to stay awake till midnight working on assignments and I still was able to focus all the way through them. (Doesn't mean I actually wanted to do them, lol.)

    I'm trying to be patient, but sometimes it's hard. It's just the way I am. But these past few years, I've really learned to be much more patient, it's just taking some time to get used to.
  • wxchaser
    wxchaser Posts: 178
    The gain weight can be from your muscles retaining water. Its is only 4 days, you have 26 more days to go. Your body may not be used to such a rigorous workout. Give it a few more weeks. I also feel that its not really about the number on the scale but how you feel, and how your clothes fit. If you have not already, take measurements and then compare in a few weeks.

    I have definitely taken measurements. I'm waiting until week 2 for a remeasure so that I can see if I've made any progress. It's just the weight gain that has me concerned.
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,738 Member
    I gained when I started 30 Day Shred too. It's because it's a really tough workout and your muscles will retain water to repair after a tough workout. Don't worry. That weight will melt away! The system really does work well!

    ^^This. I wouldn't weigh after only 4 days.

    As for calories burned, it depends on height, weight, age and the intensity you are putting into it. I'm 5'0" and I burn about 150 with 30DS.
  • wxchaser
    wxchaser Posts: 178
    I did not lose weight from 30 Day Shred but I did lose inches. Also, my posture, muscle tone, and stamina for other workouts (i.e. treadmill, etc) has signficantly improved. Please do not be discouraged. As mentioned from above posts, it could be muscle gain and muscles retaining water. This will pass. Be patient and finish the program for it will be worth it. Completing 30-Day Shred will set the stage for other JM DVDs such as Ripped in 30, Banish Fat/Boost Metabolism.

    You can do this!

    I'm trying to stay positive, and I'm glad that this could be just muscle gain and water retention. I'm really gonna give it my all when it comes to avoiding the scale because that's probably what's discouraging me the most. I think I'm gonna have to have someone hide it from me for the next few weeks, lol.
  • 2fit4fat
    2fit4fat Posts: 559 Member
    most people seem to lose inches more than pounds. Did u take measurements? Also you are building muscle... And retauning water to do it. Also I agree a hrm is great to have!! :-) make sure the cals you are eating are healthy too
  • TheNewDodge
    TheNewDodge Posts: 607 Member
    You need to poop
  • Ephena
    Ephena Posts: 615 Member
    Most people gain during the first week to ten days during the 30DS, it's primarily water weight from your muscles retaining the water for repair. Don't worry, it'll pass. I did the 30Ds every day for the full 30 days. I ate at maintenance for the first 2 weeks (I was doing a re-feed) and then back to 1200 calories for the second 2 weeks. I lost a total of 4 lbs by the end of the month, I know people who lost a lot more but given my calorie intake during the first 2 weeks I was totally okay with the loss I had.
  • wxchaser
    wxchaser Posts: 178
    most people seem to lose inches more than pounds. Did u take measurements? Also you are building muscle... And retauning water to do it. Also I agree a hrm is great to have!! :-) make sure the cals you are eating are healthy too

    Measurements, check! That was the first thing I did before I started the program. And I'm just about to order a HRM on ebay.
  • kevin3344
    kevin3344 Posts: 702 Member
    What others have said....far too soon to evaluate results from 30're not even to Level 2 yet. That's when the real magic (workouts?) start. You haven't seen anything yet!

    I wouldn't even worry about the weight....I actually gained weight after a marathon....your muscles will retain water when you work them....and any number of other factors.

    Bottom line is 30 DS works....stick to it and you'll see results.
  • DixiedoesMFP
    DixiedoesMFP Posts: 935 Member
    As far as how many calories you're eating, what do you mean by "1680 failed miserably?" In what way?

    I gained 5lbs in 2 days.

    One pound = 3500 calories, so that's impossible. More than likely, you retained water. Or needed to poop. Or put your scale in a different place on the floor. You get the point.

    How long did you eat at that calorie level? You can't judge anything on two days or four days. Give it at least a month, maybe more.

    How old are you? How tall? And how much do you weigh? You need to figure out what your BMR and TDEE are and go from there.
  • tinamina78
    tinamina78 Posts: 241 Member
    One pound = 3500 calories, so that's impossible. More than likely, you retained water. Or needed to poop. Or put your scale in a different place on the floor. You get the point.

    How long did you eat at that calorie level? You can't judge anything on two days or four days. Give it at least a month, maybe more.

    ^^^ This, 100%! There is NO WAY that 2 days is a solid indication that a diet plan is not working for you. How long did it take you to gain the weight you now want to lose? It didn't happen in 2 days and neither will losing. I totally understand being impatient... try to focus on the positives, like the extra energy and focus you talked about, and don't make yourself crazy. Best wishes!
  • wxchaser
    wxchaser Posts: 178
    As far as how many calories you're eating, what do you mean by "1680 failed miserably?" In what way?

    I gained 5lbs in 2 days.

    One pound = 3500 calories, so that's impossible. More than likely, you retained water. Or needed to poop. Or put your scale in a different place on the floor. You get the point.

    How long did you eat at that calorie level? You can't judge anything on two days or four days. Give it at least a month, maybe more.

    How old are you? How tall? And how much do you weigh? You need to figure out what your BMR and TDEE are and go from there.

    Huh, wow. I never knew that! Now it makes perfect sense AND makes me feel better. The scale is being put somewhere that I can't find it for the rest of the month so I don't keep looking at it.

    I've already put in my setting here on MFP so I'm gonna stick to the 1500 calories it recommended. There's no doubt in my mind that I'm going to continue doing 30DS because I really like how I've been feeling these past few days. SO MUCH ENERGY!
  • DixiedoesMFP
    DixiedoesMFP Posts: 935 Member
    Weigh yourself in the morning and take before pics. Put the scale in the garage. Don't take it back out for a month. Weigh yourself and take after pics. I would bet you will be pleasantly surprised.
  • auzziecawth66
    auzziecawth66 Posts: 479 Member
    I've had to hide my scale in the past, got way to obsessed with weighing myself. Heart rate monitor is so important I am only 5'2" and all the things that estimate calories burnt are always way off. I also have to be really careful about eating too little or my body really hangs onto the weight. Have never done the 30ds but did her ripped in 30. Didn't notice any changes week one. Lost only one pound after week two but dropped 2 inches off my waist out of nowhere so was pretty happy (wish I could have gone the full 30 days). Just stick with it don't overestimate on calories burned ("well I worked out today so I can have 4 cookies after supper" lol) and you will get results.
  • wxchaser
    wxchaser Posts: 178
    Weigh yourself in the morning and take before pics. Put the scale in the garage. Don't take it back out for a month. Weigh yourself and take after pics. I would bet you will be pleasantly surprised.

    I'm taking before pics tonight and I'm making my mom hide the scale from me. (She's a bit obsessed with it herself, but she's a skinny little woman.)
  • wxchaser
    wxchaser Posts: 178
    I've had to hide my scale in the past, got way to obsessed with weighing myself. Heart rate monitor is so important I am only 5'2" and all the things that estimate calories burnt are always way off. I also have to be really careful about eating too little or my body really hangs onto the weight. Have never done the 30ds but did her ripped in 30. Didn't notice any changes week one. Lost only one pound after week two but dropped 2 inches off my waist out of nowhere so was pretty happy (wish I could have gone the full 30 days). Just stick with it don't overestimate on calories burned ("well I worked out today so I can have 4 cookies after supper" lol) and you will get results.

    I bought that DVD too, and I plan on doing it after 30DS.
  • eabeumer
    eabeumer Posts: 8
    Remember pounds fluctuate based on how much water/salt/ sweating you've done. Don't be discouraged. 30DS is a great work out and will help you build muscle mass, which weighs more than fat. I'll second other suggestions about letting MFP generate the number of calories you should eat. I haven't tried a HRM, haven't had the $ to invest, but have heard how great they are. Hang in there!
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member
    I gained when I started 30 Day Shred too. It's because it's a really tough workout and your muscles will retain water to repair after a tough workout. Don't worry. That weight will melt away! The system really does work well!

  • kludgood
    kludgood Posts: 172
    I gained when I started 30 Day Shred too. It's because it's a really tough workout and your muscles will retain water to repair after a tough workout. Don't worry. That weight will melt away! The system really does work well!

    This^^ exact same thing happened to me