MLB Challenge



  • KP5555
    KP5555 Posts: 46 Member
    Count me In... Huge Red Sox fan... (last september was not good).... Much like the Pitching staff for the Red Sox Last year, I ate too much Fried Chicken and I drank too much beer, Just like the starting pitchers for the Red Sox I gained alot of weight also, I was so overwight , I looked like I could have been pitching for the Sox Last september ( I could not have done much worse than they did!!!).... But this is a new season.. We have a new manager, and no more beer and fried chicken in the Club house... So I guess I join and hopefully lose a pound a week... That would put me exactly where I want to be..... Good luck to every one, except Yankee fans..... GO BOSTON...
  • Sassi50
    Sassi50 Posts: 67 Member
    I'm a Blue Jays fan and have lost my weight. Does that mean they'll go winless this season?? I'll have to eat a bowl of ice cream for every win!!

    Jays fan here too!!!! I'll join goal will be 1 pound a week (or maybe as a JoeyBats fan, I should aim for a pound for every HR)!!!!!
  • Remi79
    Remi79 Posts: 346 Member
    Twins Fan here! I would like to join your group if you get it going.
  • jill92787
    jill92787 Posts: 158 Member
    It's opening day!!! I've gotta make sure I get my work out in!
  • hales_04
    hales_04 Posts: 68 Member
    OK! The group is up, if you didn't get an invitation let me know and I'll send another!!