Anyone take Melatonin for exertion headaches?

I'm trying to switch up my cardio routine at the gym, but every time I start a new machine I end up with exertion headaches after my workout. It usually goes away after I get used to the machine, but the first week is pretty excrutiating. I drink plenty of water and am eating enough, so I really think it's the exertion, itself. Neither ibuprofen or acetaminophen seem to help. I read somewhere that Melatonin can help. Anyone try this? I'll talk with my doc about this at my next appointment- I just wanted to see what the consensus was here. Thanks!


  • missashley884
    missashley884 Posts: 188 Member
    hmmm negative, i use it to sleep though!
  • shiseido_faerie
    shiseido_faerie Posts: 771 Member
    I've never heard that before but i'd be interested in what your doc has to say about it!
  • cjacole
    cjacole Posts: 69 Member
    Please share after you talk to your doctor. I have the same problem
  • sabriali
    sabriali Posts: 1
    Are you doing your full time on the new machine? What if you switch it up......for instance, 5 min on new machine, 25 on old one. Then gradually increase it. Or, mess around with the resistance levels to make it more difficult?
  • ksanchez311
    Sabri- yeah, I absolutely tried to do my normal 30 min. I got to about 15 and then switched back to the elliptical. When I go again tomorrow I will try warming up with the elliptical and then finishing with the AMT, since I think I went at it too fast Monday and Wednesday. Thanks for your help!
  • ksanchez311
    ksanchez311 Posts: 31
    I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's Thyroiditis last week and have started taking dessicated thyroid. Just wanted to re-post in here in case a few of you were still having the same issues.