Treadmill vs. Running Outside



  • JanieJack
    JanieJack Posts: 3,831 Member
    Like everyone else, I'd recommend running outdoors as much as possible. HOWEVER I travel a lot and I *know* that's not always feasible. Weather, time of day/night I get a chance to run, and sometimes being in a bad area can make a treadmill the best thing that ever happened to my training plan. Also, sometimes you get to an age where your joints can only handle so much, and a treadmill can help you build up the 2 hours or so of endurance needed for a half with less stress to your joints as running out on concrete.

    I trained for my first 10 mile race on a treadmill because my son was almost 1 but still nursing and I couldn't leave him for longer than an hour or two. I lived in a bad area of town, so to drive somewhere safe to run was just not gonna work.

    If you're gonna train on the treadmill, my biggest suggestion is to up the incline to at least 1% if not a little more. Running on a treadmill at 0% is actually easier than running outside. I currently use 2% on my treadmill and when I run outside it's easier to keep my desired pace.
  • monkeefun
    monkeefun Posts: 271 Member
    So this week, I've taken to using both. I've found a few decent places to run, and I've started using them! I love it outdoors, even if I have to avoid getting hit by cars or have to avoid hitting other pedestrians ;-). And my feet tend to hurt a lot more on the treadmill, so I'm planning on trying to use that only on days I'm short on time - otherwise I'm hoping to get my butt outside. I'm soooo slow (my best time is 15:25 for a mile so far, using intervals because I have a hard time keeping the stamina going for any length of time), but I'll get there. I've started researching a bunch of 5Ks, too, and I'm hoping to get going with some soon! I had no idea there were as many around here as there are :-P. Yay! I'll be a runner yet ;-)
  • tzaccario
    tzaccario Posts: 53
    So this week, I've taken to using both. I've found a few decent places to run, and I've started using them! I love it outdoors, even if I have to avoid getting hit by cars or have to avoid hitting other pedestrians ;-). And my feet tend to hurt a lot more on the treadmill, so I'm planning on trying to use that only on days I'm short on time - otherwise I'm hoping to get my butt outside. I'm soooo slow (my best time is 15:25 for a mile so far, using intervals because I have a hard time keeping the stamina going for any length of time), but I'll get there. I've started researching a bunch of 5Ks, too, and I'm hoping to get going with some soon! I had no idea there were as many around here as there are :-P. Yay! I'll be a runner yet ;-)

    Way to go!!! Getting outside is great, I recently just added jogging between my normal biking days and its fun. With good shoes, and good technique its something your body can get used to and its WAY more enjoyable then staring down at the screen of the treadmill.
  • braves20111
    braves20111 Posts: 48 Member
    On a treadmill the surface is moving therefore you are not propelling yourself forward, outside you are propelling yourself forward with every stride, running on a treadmill can impact your form negatively and also keep you from developing a good pace in your head which is very important for road racing , moral of the story i'd go outside , good luck!

    I run on a treadmill and outside and I dont see anything different with form. that really makes no sense. I like the treadmill causeI know my speed and can increase it and know what I am doing. I like outside because of scenery and its different but all and all i find them the same. yes the pavement will have more of an effect on your knees but I believe it is worth it. as for form it isnt gonna change from running inside or outside sorry but I dont know where you got that from