Bad day and loss of urge

So I was doing good for about 2 wks, going to the 5 days and walking at least the other 2. I was eating good and staying at or just below my calories and then yesterday happened. I woke up not in a good mood. I didn't sleep well and I didn't make it to the gym in the morning. Then I get to work and my son (who comes to work with me) was just being a tiny terror yesterday and there were other BS at work was just making the day worse. My Grandmother in Law who use to live with us decided to move out about 2 months ago to her sons house. Our house was now starting run smooth and things were good. The house flow and feelings were awesome. We had a smooth running house. Well this weekend, she decided she couldn't live with him any more and just moved back in. Because of this, her other son (who is rude, ungrateful and a ridiculous complainer) now thinks he has public access to our house. He comes over unannounced and yells at our dog because he doesn't like them. He gets my GMIL upset and angry. Its just ridiculous. He came over 3x unannounced yesterday. Then parks in the center of our driveway so no one else can park to clean his car! Really. GO HOME and clean your car. To top if all off, my sons birthday is coming up in a month. My mom from Florida has been planning to fly in. This is fine. Before GMIL moved back in we had an extra room but now we don't and she has taken it upon herself to invite my brother to stay at the house. I told her No. That will be too many people at the house and I can't do it. She is my mom and I love but I feel like she is taking advantage and not considering everything. She didn't take into the fact that that is more mouths to feed or anything. We budgeted for her and planned stuff to do for us and her not my brother too. He doesn't work and will have no money and she expects to pay for all this. She tried to guilt trip me but I just wasn't having it. My brother is 24, doesn't work and live with my mom. I just couldn't take it. Sorry for the long vent...

So... I stressed ate. I didn't walk or go to the gym. I had extra food and didn't care. I just lost all my motivation and urge to do anything. I wanted to scream and cry all at the same time... I guess my question is how do you get passed these days? I am trying to eat better today but I don't have the motivation I had 2 days ago before all this happened.


Thanks and thanks for reading!


  • mstaser
    mstaser Posts: 657 Member
    Everyone has those days of stress or just a day where you can't help eating junk. Its just something you put behind you and get back on the horse the next day. I think 2 weeks for any life style change is the deal maker or breaker. Get past this time frame, and you will be good.
  • mgs68pony
    mgs68pony Posts: 306 Member
    Don't let one horrible, terrible very bad day......set you on the wrong track. Take a deep breath, relax and "Do your thing" can do this!
  • chgn4me
    chgn4me Posts: 28 Member
    Thank you!
  • bethgames
    bethgames Posts: 534 Member
    Oh dear.....I've had those days. My Grandmother in law lives with us too, hard work. Her kids do come visit her alot. Those stress days....make a big bowl of sugar free pudding and 'PIG OUT' Log it and move on. You cant fix it, so forget it. As far as getting into the right frame of mind again.....take a deep breath and think what you truly want, the junk food or the new body.....sometimes it is a toss up LOL but usually you can talk yourself back into it. :) I will pray for you, but you can be stronger than your weak moments. I had mine last weekend. :) I am back on track and I know you can be too. Good luck!!! :flowerforyou:
  • WE have all had bad days. I feel for you and know that there is a lot of people out there who will try and help with motivation. It sounds like you have had a lot of things happen which you have not been able to control. In order to control something you eat. You can decide if you want to put something in your mouth or not and when we are under a loss of control most of us eat. Take control over your feet. When people visit that you do not want to see take you son and the dog and go for a walk and hopefully when you get back they will be gone and you will have had a nice time not listening to those rude people.

    Just always remember that we are there for you and if you have more bad days just write.:bigsmile:
  • So sorry your day was bad and you feel like this. I sure hope your spouse helps with issues with his family. Tomorrow is a new day, just breath :)
  • pat6250
    pat6250 Posts: 90
    Holy crap, if I had a day like that, I would have an IV pumping chocolate into my arm! No, but seriously, talk all this over with your hubby, agree on where you will draw the line with everyone and DRAW the line!!!!! Your house is your house, not a hotel, and I know, mi casa es su casa, but you cannot let people take advantage of your good nature. Have your hubby tell his mom that she can stay for a WHILE (NAME THE DATE) but that you will need the room when your next baby arrives. Hey, it could happen. You did okay telling your mom that she can stay but your bro cannot, but now you feel guilty. DON'T. Once you have everyone understanding what their limits will be, you will feel empowered. Empowered enough to get back on your program, taking care of yourself like you know you should. And give all of your guests plenty of chores to help you out. They are getting hospitality from you, that does not make you their maid. Maybe if you are more assertive, people will ASK if they can stay, and not assume that you will accept any crap treatment from them. Good luck. I know if your hubby is like mine, he will let his family get away with anything. On the other hand, he doesn't mind if I speak up, so I do. Again, good luck.:flowerforyou:
  • pat6250
    pat6250 Posts: 90
    sorry, I said hubby's mom, but it is his grandmom.
  • sla456
    sla456 Posts: 21
    it's ok, life happens! Just try not to focus so much on losing the weight but having a healthier lifestyle. Make sure you are giving your self the "me" time you deserve. Everyone needs to do this and it will help you feel soooo much better after : ) Hope things get better for you!