Anyone with PCOS

dose anyone on this site have PCOS other than me?


  • Touched670
    Touched670 Posts: 97 Member
    yeppie, I was diagnosed with PCOS in 1998.

    I am not currently on meds for it though. I started on the pill and that has regulated my periods (AWESOMELY, I might add) and calorie counting and exercise has started me on my weight loss journey. Since I first began losing weight, I am down around 45 pounds...
    add me to your friend list if you wish :happy:
  • yeppie, I was diagnosed with PCOS in 1998.

    I am not currently on meds for it though. I started on the pill and that has regulated my periods (AWESOMELY, I might add) and calorie counting and exercise has started me on my weight loss journey. Since I first began losing weight, I am down around 45 pounds...
    add me to your friend list if you wish :happy:

    I am trying to lose weight to help my PCOS and im on metformin.. I am trying to get prego and PCOS is a pain.
  • Masterchef2000
    Masterchef2000 Posts: 127 Member
    I was told I have it after a cyst hemmoraged and ruptured. Man, was THAT painful! However, no other doctor has ever said that to me before. I had an ultrasound 6 weeks after the cyst episode and that's when I was told. I honestly believe it has to do with my weight. Never had a single problem when I was thin. At my heaviest I had all types of problems and pain. Now that I'm back to losing weight and over half way there, I have almost none. So who knows? It's not genetic for me though.
  • FHerndon01
    FHerndon01 Posts: 75 Member
    I have PCOS and am insulin resistant. I am also on metformin (1000mg/day). :) Feel free to add!
  • jfield6
    jfield6 Posts: 56
    Yep. Diagnosed in 2003. I'm insulin resistant and was having VERY irregular cycles. I was taking met but I stopped due to side affects. But for the past 6-7 months I've been regular!!
  • I was told I have it after a cyst hemmoraged and ruptured. Man, was THAT painful! However, no other doctor has ever said that to me before. I had an ultrasound 6 weeks after the cyst episode and that's when I was told. I honestly believe it has to do with my weight. Never had a single problem when I was thin. At my heaviest I had all types of problems and pain. Now that I'm back to losing weight and over half way there, I have almost none. So who knows? It's not genetic for me though.

    They are vey painful when they pop. My Dr told me if I lose 90 pounds it should clear up enough to get pregnant and for the pain to stop. this website has really hepled me track what foods I eat and my exersize and I have only ben a member 2 days lol.
  • I have PCOS and am insulin resistant. I am also on metformin (1000mg/day). :) Feel free to add!

    I love my metformin... it takes all the pain away.
  • Yep. Diagnosed in 2003. I'm insulin resistant and was having VERY irregular cycles. I was taking met but I stopped due to side affects. But for the past 6-7 months I've been regular!!

    I was also very irregular the time of the month turned into the time of ever 6 months
  • LubyLu89
    LubyLu89 Posts: 10
    I suspect that i have PCOS; my doctor suggested it was a possiblity about a year ago. I am yet to go and get this confirmed because I am terrified of needles and do not want to have a blood test! Would it be worth me going to get it confirmed?
  • Celeigh12
    Celeigh12 Posts: 763 Member
    Lots of women on here with it (myself included). You can beat it!
  • sandy2006
    sandy2006 Posts: 483 Member
    You could join the PCOS group set up here. I have had pcos for 19 years.
  • jfield6
    jfield6 Posts: 56
    I suspect that i have PCOS; my doctor suggested it was a possiblity about a year ago. I am yet to go and get this confirmed because I am terrified of needles and do not want to have a blood test! Would it be worth me going to get it confirmed?

    It's totally worth it. I hate needles, but it's too important to not have it done. You have to do it for yourself and know what's going on with your body.
  • I suspect that i have PCOS; my doctor suggested it was a possiblity about a year ago. I am yet to go and get this confirmed because I am terrified of needles and do not want to have a blood test! Would it be worth me going to get it confirmed?

    Ask for an ultra sound.. its very important to know especially if ou want to have kids. Add me if you would like.
  • You could join the PCOS group set up here. I have had pcos for 19 years.

    Theres so meany Im not sure witch one to join.. I didnt know about the groups till u said something about it. thanks :)
  • Jbradbury1964
    Jbradbury1964 Posts: 109 Member
    I am 48 now but when I was about 38 or so I had all the symptoms of PCOS but didn't have a professional at that time to tell me a diagnosis. I was put on metformin and told to lose the weight. About 7 years ago I had extreme abdominal pain. After 7 hours of that and noticing my skin was completely white I went to the ER. I had exploratory surgery and it was found that a cyst on my only ovary had ruptured and I bled slow enough to keep me alive for those 7 hours.

    Since then, my daughter informed me a few months ago about PCOS and her diagnosis. I did research and found out that I was probably suffereing from that when I had my insides. Since then, I have had to have a complete hysterectomy. I am happy I found MFP and am doing the best I can to lose so I can be healthy. Its a life change for me, not just a way to lose the weight.

    Good luck and yes, join a group as they are always helpful and full of support. Add me if you wish!

  • Touched670
    Touched670 Posts: 97 Member
    I am trying to lose weight to help my PCOS and im on metformin.. I am trying to get prego and PCOS is a pain.

    I didn't have it until after I had my children...luckily. But yes, losing weight is the best way to counteract the symptoms of PCOS. I was told I would not lose weight without the meds but that has proven to be not the case. All of my symptoms have lightened up or gone away completely with the weight loss and the birth control pills regulate my cycles and make them tolerable. Good luck to you on the baby front...You are young and you can do this!
  • Vikingmiss
    Vikingmiss Posts: 22 Member
    I to have been diagnosed with PCOS, and am on metaformin! I was diagnosed just his year... and I'm just starting to really learn about my body's symptoms! Add me also! :D (If ya wanna ;D)
  • I am trying to lose weight to help my PCOS and im on metformin.. I am trying to get prego and PCOS is a pain.

    I didn't have it until after I had my children...luckily. But yes, losing weight is the best way to counteract the symptoms of PCOS. I was told I would not lose weight without the meds but that has proven to be not the case. All of my symptoms have lightened up or gone away completely with the weight loss and the birth control pills regulate my cycles and make them tolerable. Good luck to you on the baby front...You are young and you can do this!

    thanks for the support
  • tstevy19
    tstevy19 Posts: 10 Member
    I do! I was diagnosed when I was 13.