New here. Looking for ideas. friends. encouragement

I am a 36 year old guy in poor health due to a car accident that has sidelined me for the last few years. I decided to not let it be an excuse anymore and I am trying to lose weight and get healthy so that I can do more with my kids aged 7 and 2. Our family has not typically been all vegetables and healthy, but I am hoping to change the culture of everyone. My goal is to lose 80 lbs this year, I am starting at a huge 325. Add me, share y our experiences and ideas, as I will share mine. Need exercise tips for someone who has back pain and only about 40% feeling in one leg. I used to be very active and I still try to be, but usually pay for it during and after. Thanks for reading! Good luck with your goals!

my user ID is medtechjosh...


  • DanOhh
    DanOhh Posts: 1,806 Member
    Welcome to MFP! You're welcome to add me if you like. Good luck reaching your goal!
  • abnerner
    abnerner Posts: 452 Member

    You are more than welcome to add me!

    My best advice, is to take some before pictures, they will help you see changes you may not see otherwise! Also, find yummy healthy recipes (yes, they are out there!)! And get LOTS of support, from here, from family, from friends!
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I have steel rods in my spine and a bulging disc in my lower spine. Add in a healed stress fracture and bursitis in my hip and I have some issues.

    Can you try using a stationary bike? What about walking on a treadmill. Start off easy and slow and slowly work your way up. Don't rush. Give your body time to adjust. You may find your injuries feel better as you workout and lose weight.

    As for food, I recommend starting out easy - read labels, learn what a serving size of something really is. Measure your food and BE HONEST when you log. As you get an idea of what serving sizes are, you'll find that some things just aren't worth the calories they have in them.

    Good Luck. You can do it!
  • MandaJean83
    MandaJean83 Posts: 677 Member
    Hey there! I know it can be expensive, but I would HIGHLY recommend speaking with a physical trainer to determine some good exercises for you based on your limitations. Starting off, walking is one of the easiest, cheapest, and most effective forms of exercise.
    I'd also check with your doctor to see if he has anything to say about starting an exercise program....always better safe than sorry!

    As for diet tips...well, small changes add up to big results. You're right in wanting to include more veggies. If you can fill half your plate with veggies, 1/4 with lean meat, and 1/4 with a whole grain carb source (whole wheat bread or pasta/rice) you will see a huge difference.

    Also, remember that you will see a big loss the first few weeks (especially since you have a decent amt to lose)...and then it will slow down. DO NOT get discouraged. This is normal.

    Feel free to add me if you'd like, and welcome to MFP!

    EDIT: Oh, PS...I have steel rods in my back due to scoliosis as a child....and I exercise just fine. So it IS possible!