
well...i've been floating around off and on (okay, more off than on!!) for quite some time now, but i've never really put myself out there. i would love to be more involved in this great community, which i think will definitely help me stay committed to my goals. i'm a 32 y/o female (soon to be 33) living in texas (for a little over 11 years - dying to move right now!!) with my husband and our children (four cats and two dogs) :happy:

i tend to be an all or nothing person - i'm loud, but introverted - i'm opinionated, but very open-minded - i'm crazy, yet stable - i'm an open book, but i have a hard time talking to people - i'm confident at times, but mostly have a low opinion of myself...in case you couldn't tell, i'm kind of a walking contradiction :ohwell:

i've been heavy for all of my life...okay, most of my life. there was a time at 23, where i got down to 125# (smallest i had been since probably grade school), but that only lasted about four-six months. :cry: when i got married about six and a half years ago, i probably weight somewhere between 150 and 160 pounds. I recently topped out at 211 and i'm dying to make a change. my husband loves me no matter what (he's amazing), but i don't love myself, so how i can expect/believe him to really love me?! i am trying to move towards the low-carb lifestyle - one of my nieces recently lost 80 pounds this way (SO proud of her btw!) - and i feel like i can do this as well. i also, of course, want to start incorporating working out back into my lifestyle. i was, for a small while, a hard-core gym addict (that 23 y/ro thing) and while i don't want to live in the gym again, i know that i definitely need to keep my body moving!!

i would love to meet new people, make some friends, and stay focused on my path to becoming a new person both inside AND out!

that's all for now i guess!
