Question about Adipex

So, my doctor recently prescribed adipex for me. My question is, how fast have those of you who have experiences with adipex lost weight? I'm afraid I'm doing something wrong


  • Kiwi1980
    Kiwi1980 Posts: 8
    I have tried adipex before as a boost to help me loose weight!! The pills really curved my appetite and there were days were I went all day without feeling hungry!! They gave me alot of enery...I exercised 3-5 times a week and I lost 45 pounds in 3 months (my doctor only prescribed them for 3 months because he didn't want me to become dependant on them). However, once I stopped taking them.....I gained my weight back DOUBLE!!!! I would recommend you start of with them for about a month and then do it naturally!!!
  • Thanks for the advice! This is my sixth day to take them and I've already lost 15 pounds. I was just wondering if that was normal. I eat around 1500 calories a day and exercise (cardio and strength) 6 days a week. But I'll definitely consider just doing one month at a time.
  • wubbie3me
    wubbie3me Posts: 11
    The quick weight loss in the beginning is normal. It is all water weight that you drop in the first few weeks. I lost 10 lbs in less than 2 weeks when I started taking Adipex.
    The key is to do a food diary, and use the tools on here to accurately count calories and fat. I made my diet with the Adipex at 1100 or less calories per day, so that I would continue to lose weight successfully when my 3 months was up on the Adipex. I am down 26lbs in 2 months.
    Yes, you will see a plateau! Don't give up.... your body sheds the water weight and access calories quickly, and then you go to the normal weight loss for any person. So you will go from losing 15lbs in a few weeks to only losing 3-4lbs a week instead. Don't get discouraged... losing 3 lbs a week is safer, especially if you are fairly overweight to begin with.
    The biggest thing to worry about is losing too much weight too fast over a period, because you will lose muscle (including heart muscle) instead of fat. Keep active, keep a food diary, and set your goals, and use the Adipex as a booster instead of as a miracle. Keeo going, and don't give in! You are stronger than that! :)